

2006-07-21 16:51:40瓶***
hinkthisis____chancetobelost oogoodogoodoagood 2.-- ____two thousand dollar a big sum to a Chinese family nowadays? --I'm afraid not A.Are C.was D.will be 3.Jack was determined to take up the only business he was born_____ r o 4.You don't need to introduce her to me .I __her several times. t et C.have met D.had met 5.Jane wants to give her daughter ____enducation she can afford ch the best e much best ry the best e very best 6.It was quite a few years later _____a British ship paid the first visit to the island A.when at nce 7.The old woman had to sit in a wheelchair all day because her broken leg made __difficult walk walk to walk D.walking 8.I wander how many students ____in every hundred that can resist the temptation to play video games. e is ere are seems 9.Those who have applied for the job ____in the manager'office A.will interview e interviewing e being interviewed be interviewed 10.Mr. Clinton thought I was talking about her son ,___ ,in fact,I was talking about my son. A.where B.which C.while D.whom 请略加分析,谢谢英语选择题hinkthisis____chancetobelostoogoodogoodoagood2.--____twothousanddollarabigs?


  • 1. o good a 强调good,前置. 时态是现在, 钱不可数. o固定搭配born into a business 4.C.have met 完成时态是过去对现在的影响,解释不用介绍的原因 ch the best 远为最好的 very 不修饰最高级.much 不用于最高级前 at 强调句型 7.D.walking 也可以:make it difficult to walk ere are 我怀疑100人里有几个人能抵抗住诱惑 9. e being interviewed be interviewed缺少are (to be interviewed) 10.C.while 然而
    2006-08-02 18:13:52
  • 1A 2B 3D 4C 5A 6B 7D 8B 9C 10C
    2006-07-21 17:03:41
  • 很赞哦! (146)