

2007-05-12 17:32:18m***
有点长,长好意思,谢谢大家! 工程公司是1994年成立的股份制企业,具有市政公用工程施工总承包贰级资质。可承揽各种天然气、自来水、中水、热力、雨污水、道路等工程,公司注册资金2000万元,净资产2500万元以上。 公司现有高、中、初级职称专业人员100多人,持证上岗率达到100%。大专以上学历的人员占全公司员工80%以上,公司同时拥有总承包贰级企业所需要的多台大、中型机械设备,和与之相配套的检测手段及设备,为市政外线施工提供了充分的条件。 公司是海淀区建筑行业协会会员,并于2001年取得了ISO9001质量体系认证,并延续至今。 公司自成立以来先后承接了数百项知名企业的工程。公司凭借着雄厚的实力、积极的营销方式、全新的管理措施及可靠的信誉保证,取得了良好的业绩,赢得了广大用户及社会各界的一致好评。 求助汉译英(公司简介)有点长,长好意思,谢谢大家!工程公司是1994年成立的股份制企业,具有市政公用工程施工总承包贰级资质。可承揽各种天然气、自来水、中水、热力?


  •   中文说的前后意思层次感让人觉得十分眩晕。稍微整理了一下,我认为能更符合多数英语思维人们的阅读习惯,并进行了翻译。 参考依据:我们都是正常人,要说正常话。 - The engineering firm is a joint-stock company was founded in 1994 registered RMB 20 million Yuan, and above RMB 25 million Yuan net assets。
       We are a memeber of Haidian District Constructing Guild in Beijing, and we provided with secondary qualification of municipal utility project。
       We got Quality Management Standard ISO9001 from 2001 to now。 We can undertake various project is that gas, water supply, grey water supply, waste water projects, heating powers, road constructings etc。
       with all giant equipments and plenteous technical means to do that。 - The firm available more than 100 professionals in service, They were China's National Title holder in Senior, Advanced and Junior rankings, 100% had certified licensing。
       All employees who had Associates Degree was over 80% in our firm。 - Our customers including many renowned enterprises。
       The firm gots nicer credit standing and income statement with our solid strength, active marketing ideas, advanced management measures。
    2007-05-27 05:04:55
  •   Theengineeringcompanyisthesharesystemthat1994establishbusinessenterprise, eanengineeringconstructiontotalcontractfortwoclassnaturalintelligences。
      The company existing Gao, medium, the entry-level title's profession be personnel more than 100 personses and hold a certificate to attain 100% up the Gang rate。
      University above the personnel of educational background have whole company above employee's 80%, company in the meantime own total contract for two what class business enterprise need many NTU, medium-sized machine equipments, with with it match each other a set of examination means and equipments, for out of the municipal services line construction provide full of condition。
       The company is the profession association of the sea Dian area building member, and obtained the ISO9001 quality system an attestation in 2001, and continue up to now。
       Company from establish successively accepted several hundred engineering of well-known business enterprise。
      Company with lend strong real strenght, aggressive marketing way, all new of management measure and credibility of prestige assurance, obtained a good accomplishment, won a large customer and society the public of consistent good opinion。
    2007-05-12 18:42:15
  • 很赞哦! (18)