

2007-06-13 13:17:05h***
哪个高手帮忙做个用VB编程的计算器,给我代码,功能要高级点,谢谢哪个高手帮忙做个用VB编程的计算器,给我代码,功能要高级点,谢谢:Option Explicit Dim strNumber As String Dim?


  •   Option Explicit Dim strNumber As String Dim strPoint As String Dim dblNum1 As Double Dim intOperator As Integer '清除结果 Private Sub cmdGT_Click() txtDisplay。
      Text = "0。" strNumber = "" strPoint = "。" intOperator = 7 End Sub '输入数字 Private Sub cmdNumber_Click(Index As Integer) strNumber = strNumber & cmdNumber(Index)。
      Caption txtDisplay。Text = strNumber & strPoint End Sub Private Sub cmdOnOff_Click() End End Sub '运算过程 Private Sub cmdOperator_Click(Index As Integer) Dim dblnum2 As Double '是第一次单击运算符时,将输入的值先赋给第一个数,否则赋值给第二个数进行运算 If intOperator = 7 Then dblNum1 = CDbl(txtDisplay。
      Text) Else dblnum2 = CDbl(Val(txtDisplay。Text)) '根据输入的符号进行运算 '求普通运算 Select Case intOperator Case 0 dblNum1 = dblNum1 + dblnum2 Case 1 dblNum1 = dblNum1 - dblnum2 Case 2 dblNum1 = dblNum1 * dblnum2 Case 3 If dblnum2 <> 0 Then dblNum1 = dblNum1 / dblnum2 Else MsgBox "除数不能为“0”!请重新输入除数。
      ", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "除零错误" Index = intOperator End If Case 6 dblNum1 = dblNum1 * dblnum2 / 100 End Select End If '取得当前输入的运算符,以做下次运算 intOperator = Index strNumber = "" txtDisplay = CStr(dblNum1) '判断是否为文本框中的数字加点 If Not txtDisplay Like "*。
      *" Then txtDisplay。Text = txtDisplay。Text & "。" End If End Sub Private Sub cmdOtherOper_Click(Index As Integer) Dim dblNum As Double '求平方根,平方, dblNum = CDbl(Val(txtDisplay。
      Text)) Select Case Index Case 0 '验证数据是否有效 If dblNum >= 0 Then txtDisplay。Text = CStr(Sqr(dblNum)) Else MsgBox "负数不能开平方根!", _ vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "开平方根错误" End If Case 1 txtDisplay。
      Text = CStr(dblNum ^ 2) End Select '判断是否为文本框中的数字加点 If Not txtDisplay Like "*。*" Then txtDisplay。Text = txtDisplay。
      Text & "。" End If End Sub Private Sub cmdPoint_Click() strNumber = strNumber & strPoint strPoint = "" End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) '使被按下的数字键的对应按钮取得焦点 Select Case KeyCode Case 48 To 57 cmdNumber(KeyCode - 48)。
      SetFocus Case 96 To 105 cmdNumber(KeyCode - 96)。SetFocus Case Else '使按下的符号键对应的按钮取得焦点 If KeyCode = 107 Or (Shift = vbShiftMask And KeyCode = 187) Then cmdOperator(0)。
      SetFocus cmdOperator_Click (0) ElseIf KeyCode = 109 Or KeyCode = 189 Then cmdOperator(1)。SetFocus cmdOperator_Click (1) ElseIf KeyCode = 106 Or (Shift = vbShiftMask And KeyCode = 56) Then cmdOperator(2)。
      SetFocus cmdOperator_Click (2) ElseIf KeyCode = 111 Or KeyCode = 191 Then cmdOperator(3)。SetFocus cmdOperator_Click (3) ElseIf KeyCode = 13 Then cmdOperator(7)。
      SetFocus cmdOperator_Click (7) ElseIf KeyCode = 8 Then cmdGT。SetFocus Call cmdGT_Click End If End Select End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) '将合法的数据输入到文本框 Select Case KeyAscii Case 48 To 58 '调用数字键点击处理程序 cmdNumber_Click KeyAscii - 48 KeyAscii = 0 Case 46 '调用小数点输入 cmdPoint_Click KeyAscii = 0 Case 13 '当敲击回车时,不能触发Form的 KeyUp 事件,因此在这里设置文本框的焦点 txtDisplay。
      SetFocus Case Else KeyAscii = 0 End Select End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) txtDisplay。
      SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() strNumber = "" strPoint = "。" intOperator = 7 End Sub。
    2007-06-13 13:20:16
  • 很赞哦! (47)