

2009-11-03 13:33:541***
Point-to-point cintrol systems cause the tool to move to a point on the part and execute an operation at that point only . The tool is not in continuous contact with the part while it is being moved to a working location. Some point-to-point operations are drilling,reaming,boring,tapping,and punching.急!急!急!翻译机械类的专业英语Point-to-pointcintrolsystemscausethetooltomovetoapointontheparta?


  • 点位控制系统能使加工工具移向被加工零件上的一点,并只对该点进行加工。在移向加工部位时,该工具不与该零件持续接触。点位加工包括钻孔、扩孔、镗孔、攻丝和冲孔。
    2009-11-03 22:48:06
  • 点到点控制系统能使机床移向加工件上的点位并刚好在那个点位上进行操作。在加工件移向工作位置时,机床并不和加工件一直保持接触。有些点到点操作涉及钻孔,扩孔,镗削,攻丝,冲压。 仅供参考
    2009-11-03 14:26:40
  • 很赞哦! (154)