

2010-08-14 17:21:44a***
将文言文翻译成现代文【望洋兴叹翻译】望洋兴叹将文言文翻译成现代文:lament one's littleness before the vast ocean; bemoan one's inade?


  • lament one's littleness before the vast ocean; bemoan one's inadequacy in the face of a great task 这个是根据意译 gaze at the ocean and complain of its infinitude; gaze at the ocean and sigh -- feel powerless and frustrated; sigh by looking at the seas; view the vast ocean with despair; view with despair the vast ocean or vast work to be done 这三个偏直译 以上是爱词霸给的译文 成语翻译的话主要是要放在具体上下文的,有时候甚至完全不必译出。
    2010-08-15 17:13:09
  • 答案:bemoan one's inadequacy in the face of a great tasks; deel powerless and frustrated before sth difficult or expensive
    2010-08-14 17:39:39
  • 很赞哦! (22)