

2017-06-08 18:32:18你***
关于一些保护环境的英语作文?关于一些保护环境的英语作文?:Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and ind?


  •   Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals。
       Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer。
      〔范文〕In the past, there have been many endangered animals。 Now they are extinct。 Does it matter? Has our environment been affected by their absence? Has the quality of our own life been changed? The answer to these questions is "Yes。
      " It does matter if we destroy an endangered species habitat to develop more farmland, housing or industrial parks。 There is a delicate balance of nature。
       If one small part is removed, it will affect all the other parts。 For example, if certain trees are cut down, bats will have no place to roost。
       If they cannot roost, they cannot breed。 If there are no bats, there will be no animal, or bird to eat certain insects that plague our crops。
      Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain animals。 Certain flowers are pollinated by butterflies which migrate from Canada to Mexico。
       Some of the breeding grounds of these butterflies were destroyed。 Now these flowers are disappearing from certain areas。
       We will no longer be able to enjoy their beauty。The quality of our life has been changed。 America used to be covered with giant trees。
       Now we have to visit them in one small park。 Rainforests around the world are being cut down to make room for humans。 We will never be able to see or study this fragile ecosystem。
      I would encourage us humans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands, housing, and industries。 We have alternatives; the animals do not。
    2017-06-08 18:32:18
  •   The environment is everything around us,for example,air,water,animals,plants,buildings and so on。They all affect us in many ways and closely related to our lives。
      People can't live without the environment。 Everybody needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day。We burn coal to keep warm,and we use wood to make paper。
      As a result,we become the part of the environment。 The environment has been getting wores and wores for many years。We have been upgrading our living standard, meanwhile the environment has been polluted。
      Somke form factory chimneys pollutesthe air。Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly。Animals are homeless because the forcests are decreasing every minute。
      Streets are crowded with people and vehicles。The environment painful for us to live in it now。So it's time to solve those problems。
       Fortunately,it isn't too late to correct our mistake。People are coming to realiza the importance of the environment。We have begun to try our best to improve it。
      Laws are being made dealing with air, water and noise pollution。The river be bright,the sky will be clear,the flowers will be beautiful,and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty。
      We believe that we wil be able to save our environment and live in a better world 环境围绕我们身边,例如:空气、水、动物、建筑等。它们从各个方面影响着我们的生活,与我们的生活密切相关,人们离开环境就无法生存。
      每人每天都要呼吸、喝水和吃东西。我们少煤取暖、用木材造纸。结果,我们也成为环境的一部分。 很多年以来,环境日益恶化。我们在提高生活水平的同时,也在导致环境污染。从工厂烟囱里冒出来的烟污染空气;机器和引擎经常发出恼人的噪音。因为森林每分钟都在减少,使动物们无家可归。
      街道上挤满了人和车辆。环境在我们的生活中是最重要的,但是现在它已经让人们讨厌。所以,该是解决这些问题的时候了。 幸运的是,现在改正错误还不晚。人们意识到环境的重要性。我们已经开始尽力改善环境。法律也开始涉及到空气、水和噪音等问题。将来,河流会更清澈,天空会更晴朗,花朵会更鲜艳,阳光会更灿烂、更温暖。
    2017-06-08 18:32:18
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