

2006-11-18 23:48:48B***
高分悬赏最佳翻译。 PS:请不要拿金山全译版本糊弄我。 正文: 我是XXX的一名学生。如同大家知道的那样,XXX是XX最好的一所高等美术院校,同时也是全国知名的美术院校之一。学校开设素描、色彩、设计、国画、电脑设计基础和文艺常识等课程。在这里我接受了严格的美术基础训练,在上个学期我还获得了年级第4的专业课成绩。很快,我将从这里毕业,将要为将来作打算。经过对比,我选择了XXXX学院。 选择XXXX的主要原因是老师可以接受学生的各种创意想法以及技术,这对学生来说十分重要。而且XXXX的专职教师大都是活跃于业界的艺术家或设计师,相信同他们交流可以得到不少宝贵的经验。同时学校的地理位置与硬件设施也十分完善,这将有助于给学生们营造一个良好的学习环境。 将来我希望可以在三维设计或是平面设计上有所发展,XXXX正好提供了这样一个机会。XXXX的预科课程内容丰富,这给我提供了了解艺术和设计各课程的机会,帮助我为将来的方向做出选择,同时提升我的绘画与设计能力。 在绘画能力上我较为突出的一点是关于线的运用,这在我的速写中有所体现。在附中白描的课程上我还获得了92分的好成绩(绘画满分92分)。我平时的兴趣爱好是听音乐,因为音乐和绘画及设计密不可分,不同风格的音乐往往会激发我的灵感。而大部分时间我的消遣方式是看书和看电影。 在XX的学习经历是我优势,这使我有信心能胜任XXXX的课程。 帮忙翻译!高分悬赏!高分悬赏最佳翻译。PS:请不要拿金山全译版本糊弄我。正文:我是XXX的一名学生。如同大家知道的那样,XXX是XX最好的一所高等美术院校,同时?


  •   I was a student from XXX。As you know, XXX XX is one of the finest institutions of higher art。also well-known art institutes。
      Schools sketching, color, design, painting, computer design, and so on the basis of common sense and artistic programs。Here, I receive basic training in a strict art, in the last semester I was in the fourth grade Specialty results。
      Soon, I will be here to graduate, wants to make a decision。After comparison, I chose XXXX College。XXXX is the main reason that teachers can choose to accept students of various creative ideas and technologies,It is important to the students。
      XXXX and the teachers are full-time artists or designers active in the industry。believe that can be shared with them a lot of valuable experience。
      Also, school location and sound hardware facilities, which will help to create a good learning environment for students。3D design in the future I hope I can do something or graphic design, XXXX will provide such an opportunity。
      XXXX matriculation courses rich in content, which gave me the opportunity to understand the art and design courses。help me make a choice for the future direction, and raise my painting and design capability。
      Drawing ability is prominent on the line I use this to be reflected in my sketches。Line drawing courses at the middle school, I also received good results in 92 minutes (out of 92 paintings)。
      My usual hobbies are listening to music, because music and painting and design are inseparable,different styles of music often inspired my inspiration。
      Most of the time I was reading and watching movies entertainment。XX learning experience in my advantage, which I am confident will rise XXXX courses。
    2006-11-20 13:39:44
  •   I was a student from XXX。As you know, XXX XX is one of the finest institutions of higher art。also well-known art institutes。
      Schools sketching, color, design, painting, computer design, and so on the basis of common sense and artistic programs。Here, I receive basic training in a strict art, in the last semester I was in the fourth grade Specialty results。
      Soon, I will be here to graduate, wants to make a decision。After comparison, I chose XXXX College。XXXX is the main reason that teachers can choose to accept students of various creative ideas and technologies,It is important to the students。
      XXXX and the teachers are full-time artists or designers active in the industry。believe that can be shared with them a lot of valuable experience。
      Also, school location and sound hardware facilities, which will help to create a good learning environment for students。3D design in the future I hope I can do something or graphic design, XXXX will provide such an opportunity。
      XXXX matriculation courses rich in content, which gave me the opportunity to understand the art and design courses。help me make a choice for the future direction, and raise my painting and design capability。
      Drawing ability is prominent on the line I use this to be reflected in my sketches。Line drawing courses at the middle school, I also received good results in 92 minutes (out of 92 paintings)。
      My usual hobbies are listening to music, because music and painting and design are inseparable,different styles of music often inspired my inspiration。
      Most of the time I was reading and watching movies entertainment。XX learning experience in my advantage, which I am confident will rise XXXX courses。
    2006-11-19 02:20:45
  • 很赞哦! (272)