

2011-09-30 16:02:18k***
假设你是黄海大学英语系学士李明。请代表Tom Smith先生给住在北京长安街建国饭店2008房间的peter Johnson先生发一封邀请信,请他于四月八日(星期五)早上九点参加为Tom Smith举办的画展开幕式,并告知画展相关信息。 展览内容:北欧风景画 展览地点:国家美术馆 展览时间:周一至周五 10:00——16:00 周六至周日 12:00——17:00 生词:美术馆:gallery 风景画:landscape 谢谢,帮忙写份吧~英语邀请函紧急求助假设你是黄海大学英语系学士李明。请代表TomSmith先生给住在北京长安街建国饭店2008房间的peterJohnson先生发一封邀请信,请他?


  •   (书写这封信时的日期) From: Mr Ming Li English Department University of Huanghai Qingdao (ps。是指青岛的黄海大学吧? 嗯,不是的话就把黄海大学所在的城市写上) To: Mr Peter Johnson (如果有头衔的话可以在这里写上,没有的话就别管了~) Room 2008 Jianguo Hotel Changan Street Beijing Dear Mr Peter Johnson, I, Ming Li,am writing on the behalf of Mr Tom Smith, have the great pleasure to invite you to the opening ceremony of Mr Tom Smith's latest art exhibition featuring landscapes of northern Europe, in the National gallery。
       The exhibition will commence with the official opening at 9。00am on Friday 8th April, and undergo a duration of xxx weeks。
      (额,这个画展有多久?比如2个星期?) During which the gallery will open at 10。00am to 4。00pm on weekdays, and from 12。00pm to 5。00pm on weekends。
       Both Mr Tom Smith and I look forward to your participation。
       Yours faithfully, (签名) Ming Li English Department The university of Huanghai 有些地方写上了括号,因为信息不足,希望你不介意~ 嗯,这只能作参考~呵呵,具体的还要看你的情况~要是帮不上忙就先道声抱歉了哈 XD 。
    2011-09-30 17:55:50
  •   (L Ming's Return Address) (Date) Mr。 Peter Johnson c/o Room 2008 Jianguo Hotel Chang An Ave。 Beijing Dear Mr。 Johnson, My name is Li Ming, an undergraduate student of the Huanghai University, majoring in English。
       I am writing on behalf of Mr。 Tom Smith to extend an invitation for you to join the opening ceremony of an art exhibition organized by Mr。
       Smith, scheduled to be held at the National Art Gallery on April 8, 20XX (Friday)。 at 9:00 a。m。 Please see below details of the art exhibition: Artworks: Nordic Landscape Paintings by (artists' name) Venue: National Art Gallery (gallery address) Exhibition Time: (April 8, to XX, 20XX) between 10:00 - 16:00 (Monday to Friday) and between 12:00 - 17:00 (Saturday and Sunday) We look forward to seeing you at the opening ceremony。
       Your presence will be most eagerly awaited。 Yours sincerely, (Li Ming's Signature) Li Ming。
    2011-10-02 07:48:13
  •   Ming Li Department of English University of Huanghai ( 具体地址 ) Mr。 Peter Johnson Jianguo Hotel, Room 2008 Changan Street,Beijing (写信日期) Dear Mr。
       Johnson: My name is Ming Li from University of Huanghai。 I have great pleasure in writing to you on behalf of Mr。 Tom Smith to invite you to attend his exhibition opening, which will take place at the National Gallery on Friday 8th April at 9:00A。
      M。 This exhibition will feature Mr。 Smith’s works of Northern European landscapes。 The exhibition will run through (画展结束日期)。
       Galleries are open Mondays through Fridays from 10:00 to16:00 and Saturdays through Sundays from 12:00 to 17:00。 An invitation is attached。
       We look forward to seeing you there。 Sincerely, Signature Mr。 Ming Li Department of English University of Huanghai 。
    2011-10-01 13:02:35
  •   Room 2008 Jianguo Hotel Changan Street Beijing Dear Mr Johnson I take great pleasure in inviting you to the opening ceremony of an exclusive art exhibition of Tom Smith。
       The ceremony will take place at 9 on the morning of April 8th(Friday)。Details are as follows: Contents of the Exhibitin: Landscape of North Europe Place:The National Gallery Time: 10:00——16:00 (from Monday to Friday) 12:00——17:00 (from Saturday to Sunday) We are expecting your come。
       Yours sincerely Huang ming Huang ming From Huanghai University (注:签名两遍,其中一遍为手写,以示尊重。)。
    2011-09-30 16:40:07
  • 很赞哦! (262)