

2024-07-17 14:00:00文***
英语万能作文句子开头结尾(英语万能作文句子):1、英语作文今昔对照⑴While … was only known to a small number of?


  • 1、英语作文今昔对照⑴While … was only known to a small number of people, … has been widely accepted.⑵While … used to be a luxury, … has become a household name.⑶Contrary to the traditional idea that … is always … , now an increasing number of believe that ….数字引用⑴According to a recent opinion poll, … quite a number of ….⑵Statistics show that … double every 6 months.⑶According to a recent survey, 3 … out of 10 …. ⑷As a recent investigation indicates, the percentage of …is surprisingly high.反面论述⑴It’s hard to imagine what the world would be like if ….⑵Without …⑶It’s hard to find … who ….现象引述⑴It’s indeed the case that … have witnessed ….⑵… is gaining increasing popularity with ….⑶Recent years have seen a boom in the number of ….⑷People take it for granted that ….⑸Many a person admires(the policy)that ….论点引述⑴… is one of the controversial issues of our times among ….⑵There is always some controversy over whether ….⑶A much debated issue these days is whether … or not.⑷There has sprung up a heated discussion as to whether ….⑸Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern that ….⑹A hot topic discussed today is whether or not ….。

    2024-07-17 14:00:00
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