

2007-11-03 19:27:27问***
1.The boss____company I worked in two years ago has____in solving such kind of problem. A.whose;many experiences B.who;many experiences C.whose;much experience D.which;much experience 2.He used to____cards,but now he is used to____a walk after supper. ay;taking aying;take ly;take aying;taking 3.____the first day of the school,she met her new teacher____the first time. A.For;for B.On;on C.On;for D.FOR;on 4.____the whole schoolsafer and more pleasant is an important part of school development. A.Make B.Made C.Making D.Makes 5.Be serious about your aims in life and work hard to____those aims.This will____your mother. ceive;proud epare;respect velop;regret hieve;please英语选择题,最好有解答方法1.Theboss____companyIworkedintwoyearsagohas____insolvingsuchkindofp?


  •   1。The boss____company I worked in two years ago has____in solving such kind of problem。 C 因为后面有名词company, 所以要选择一个作定语,那么whose。
       其次是 experience 不可数 表示 经验,所以用much来修饰。 2。He used to____cards,but now he is used to____a walk after supper。 ay;taking used to do 过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 3。
      ____the first day of the school,she met her new teacher____the first time。 C。On;for 在开学的第一天,是个具体的日子,用on for the first time 是第一次 4。
      ____the whole schoolsafer and more pleasant is an important part of school development。 C。Making 句中缺少主语,所以用了v-ing 做主语 其他三种都不能作主语 5。
      Be serious about your aims in life and work hard to____those aims。This will____your mother。 hieve;please 实现目标 achieve the aims please sb 使某人高兴 。
    2007-11-03 21:26:16
  •   1。The boss__whose__company I worked in two years ago has__much experience__in solving such kind of problem。 我工作了两年的公司的经理有很多解决这类问题的经验。
       物主代词whose作定语表示“谁的”,可以换成“of which the comany”;experience作“经历”时可数,这里作“经验”不可数 2。He used to__play__cards,but now he is used to__taking__a walk after supper。
       他以前常玩扑克牌,不过他现在习惯在晚餐后去散步。 used to do是固定搭配,表示“过去常常”,这里的to do是不定式,be use to doing也是固定搭配,表示“习惯于。。。",这里的to是介词,介词后应接名词性结构 3。
      __On__the first day of the school,she met her new teacher__for__the first time。 上学的第一天,她第一次见到了她的老师。 表示具体某一天用介词on,for the first time固定搭配 4。
      __Making__the whole school safer and more pleasant is an important part of school development。 使校园(日常)更安全愉悦是发展校园事业的重要部分。
       动词原形放句首只能是祈使句或省略句,这里是动名词作主语(高中会学到的) 5。Be serious about your aims in life and work hard to__achieve__those aims。This will__please__your mother。
       认真对待你的人生目标,努力争取那些目标。这会使你母亲高兴。 主要考词意,自己查字典吧 。
    2007-11-03 21:19:01
  • 很赞哦! (252)