

2004-10-11 11:39:29f***
How do you translate this sentence?How do you translate this sentence?"A dreamer treats another person for a broken bone.The analysis shows that the fracture represents a broken marriage vow,ect." Would you please tell me what's the usage of that phrase "treat somebody for something"?Howdoyoutranslatethissentence?Howdoyoutranslatethissentence?"Adreamertreatsanoth?


  • Treat somebody for something 如果从字面意思就是把..当成.... 但从这句的对应关系中,我同意Orpah的中文意思! 虽然我们提倡“十万个为什么”,但是语言中是没有对与错的,表达能让双方理解 就OK!
    2004-10-12 14:48:51
  • 我认为这里的TREAT 是 “治疗”的意思 treat sb for sth , 其中sth可指某种疾病
    2004-10-11 12:58:23
  • 大体意思就是说 做梦梦到给别人治疗骨折,分析显示这是婚姻破裂的一个征兆。
    2004-10-11 12:02:43
  • 我还真没见过这种用法,一般都是treat加as,with,to,of treat后面跟for的还确实不知道,等别人的答案
    2004-10-11 11:51:42
  • 很赞哦! (96)