

2007-09-07 07:03:03c***
北极圈的人怎样度过极昼和极夜,极昼能睡着觉吗? 漫长的极夜人们不厌倦吗?谢谢求助:汉译英三句话北极圈的人怎样度过极昼和极夜,极昼能睡着觉吗?漫长的极夜人们不厌倦吗?谢谢:北极圈的人怎样度过极昼和极夜,极昼能睡着觉吗? 漫长的极夜人们不厌?


  • 北极圈的人怎样度过极昼和极夜,极昼能睡着觉吗? 漫长的极夜人们不厌倦吗? 1、How do the people within the North Pole pass polar day and polar night? 2、Can a person sleep well during the polar day? 3、Will the long tedious polar night bore the people?
    2007-09-07 12:26:13
  • How people live in arctic to spend Polar Day and Polar Night? Can they sleep at Polar Day? Are they not tire of long Polar Night? (楼上的LILI 翻得好,不过我认为加上一个not 更符合原意了.)
    2007-09-07 08:21:39
  • 北极圈的人怎样度过极昼和极夜,极昼能睡着觉吗? 漫长的极夜人们不厌倦吗?谢谢 How people live in arctic circleSiberian to spend Polar Day and Polar Night? Can they sleep at Polar Day? Are they tire of long Polar Night?
    2007-09-07 08:11:56
  • how do the people that live in Antarctica get through their life with very little difference between night and day, can they fall in sleep at daytime,don't they ever feel tired on the prolonged Artic nights.
    2007-09-07 08:01:20
  • Arctic people how to spend a day and a night,Sleeping can feel very day ?And very long night people not tired ?
    2007-09-07 07:12:12
  • 很赞哦! (215)