

2008-05-31 19:40:22好***


  • 句子
    2008-06-10 18:57:44
  •   随着经济全球化的发展,各种人力资源理论不断成熟,员工在企业中的作用越来越被重视,能否拥有一支高效,敬业,团结的员工队伍,成为企业提高核心竞争力的关键。因而员工需求激励就显得更为重要了。限于笔者水平和参考资料的局限,本文的研究还是远远不够的。本文根据各种需求理论分析了不同的员工需求类型,并对其进行深入分析,指出如何建立有效的员工激励机制,并指出了在激励过程中一些常犯的错误。
      关键词:员工需求;有效激励 with the development of globalization of economy,various human resource theories are becoming e function of employees are paid more turns out to be key of competence to building an efficient,dedicated and united us, satisfying needs of employees are becoming more important。
       Limited by ability of author and referring materials the study of the article is far less e article analyzed various needs of employees according to all kinds of theories and pointed out how to build efficient rewards system and the normal mistakes in the implementation of rewards system。
    2008-06-05 20:31:23
  • 很赞哦! (73)