

2008-09-06 12:04:10你***


  • 我在读4级辅导的时候,老师教过我怎么提高英语口语的能力的。 总结起来就是两点,多听和多说。 多听bbc的广播 或者网播都可以 网上还有的下载 还有多找一些机会说,比如你有空就拿本英语课本朗读下,培养语感,有条件的去结识一下外国朋友,一起交流下,对了,你们学校有国外留学的同学吗,不妨去认识下。
    2008-09-10 18:24:38
  •   Well, i think before looking for (or even bothering) someone to practice with you, you'd better do some work by yourself first。
       I think one of the best ways is to talk to yourself, whenever & wherever。 Start from the basics & the topics you are most familiar with:- weather, food, sports, pop star, etc。
       You have to speak aloud instead of just making up sentences in your mind。 Oral english is very different - you just need to use the 2000 basic words & the simplest sentences。
       So make sure you master all those stuff。 Ah yes, including the phrases of take/make, etc。 To further improve, get some book ( what level? you should be able to READ the rook quickly without any difficulty) with short articles on various topics。
       Afte reading a new article, try to tell the story (not repeat!) again to yourself, using your own words。 Some key/useful words should definitely be learned, though。
       Again, ensure that you can HEAR yourself clearly。 Ok, so it's all about practice。 I don't think you cannot talk freely with your friends on some topic if you have talked to yourself for dozens of times。
       Once you get used to expressing in english, you may go ahead chatting on MSN -ya, think & type in english。 And if you can speak as fast as you type, congratulations! You should be fairly confident to talk with foreigners now。
       Hope it helps。。。 Just my personal opinion (and experience)。
    2008-09-11 12:12:22
  • 很赞哦! (132)