

2006-10-12 17:09:03B***
Please help me traslate the following sentense.Thank you ! 帮忙翻译一下句子: 1.The power of every state over it's citizens has grown steadily the last few hundred years,no less in countries where the power of the state has been exercised wisely,than in those where it has been used for brutal tyranny 2.Will they have enough courage to overcome their own national ties to the extent that is necessary to induce the peoples of the world to change their deep-rooted national traditions in most radical fashion ? 3.A fire engine, out for a trail spin, roared past Emerson's house, hot with readiness for public duty. Over the barn roofs the martins dipped and chittered .A swarthy daughter of a asparagus grower,in culottes,shirt ,and bandanna, pedaled past on her bicycle. It was indeed a delicious evening, and I returned to the inn (I believe it was your house once) to rock with the old ladies on the concrete veranda. 万分感谢请英语高手帮助翻译一个句子!急!Pleasehelpmetraslatethefollowingsentense.Thankyou!帮忙翻译一下句子:1.The?


  •   The power of every state over it's citizens has grown steadily the last few hundred years,no less in countries where the power of the state has been exercised wisely,than in those where it has been used for brutal tyranny。
       近几百年来,各国对于其公民的控制力得到了平稳增长。在这一方面,那些明智地运用国家权力的国家并不比那些将之用于残忍暴政的国家增长得要慢。 A fire engine, out for a trail spin, roared past Emerson's house, hot with readiness for public duty。
       Over the barn roofs the martins dipped and chittered 。A swarthy daughter of a asparagus grower,in culottes,shirt ,and bandanna, pedaled past on her bicycle。
       It was indeed a delicious evening, and I returned to the inn (I believe it was your house once) to rock with the old ladies on the concrete veranda。
    2006-10-12 19:47:45
  • 很赞哦! (137)