

2011-09-06 16:14:01H***
This is one of the explanations _________ people hang stockings in front of the fireplace for Father Christmas to put presents in. A. why B. for which C. for why D. that 问一道英语选择题Thisisoneoftheexplanations_________peoplehangstockingsinfrontofthefirepl?


  • explanations for....固定搭配 why引导宾语从句
    2011-09-07 16:25:09
  • explanation for是固定搭配:对...的解释 这是对为什么人们在壁炉前挂袜子供圣诞老人放礼物的解释之一
    2011-09-07 15:43:45
  • This is one of the explanations _________ people hang stockings in front of the fireplace for Father Christmas to put presents in. “这是(关于)为什么人们在壁炉前挂袜子供圣诞老人塞礼物的解释之一。” 选C.for why 一般reason后面才直接跟why,如:This is the reason why I left early。
    2011-09-06 17:43:28
  • 选 A. why explanations for why 是一个常用的词语搭配.表示 解释"为什么人们在壁炉前挂袜子供圣诞老人塞礼物".
    2011-09-06 16:51:49
  • 很赞哦! (189)