

2012-05-05 17:20:581***
我在写毕业论文,现在想请好心人帮忙翻译一下摘要,谢谢 希望是专业的 嘻嘻摘要翻译我在写毕业论文,现在想请好心人帮忙翻译一下摘要,谢谢希望是专业的嘻嘻:Study on reasons and strategies of the un?


  •   Study on reasons and strategies of the unbalanced distribution of urban and rural education resources in China ---in the case of zhangjiajie city Abstract Education resources are the presupposition of existence and development of schools。
       The unfair phenomenon caused by the unbalanced distribution of education resources has become a problem which catches joint attention of society, department of education and government。
       In recent years, China’s overall economic level has achieved sustained growth and ranks the second in the world, surpassing Japan。
       However, China is a country with large population and low per-capita resources。 This is the fundamental reason of the unbalanced distribution of education resources in urban and rural areas in China。
       This paper takes the case of Zhangjiajie city as an example and compare the distribution of education resources in urban and rural areas。
       Thus it will conduct a deep-going study on the reasons of the unbalanced distribution of Chinese education resources and propose several measures to solve the problem。
       The unbalanced distribution of education resources is common in China。 But the author holds the view that the situation will be improved with efforts and the students and teachers in urban and rural areas will gain equal treatments。
       key words: education resources;urban and rural areas;fair PS:有一些个人建议,摘要里面“教育资源分配失衡”一词出现太过频繁;另外,最后那句“我相信”太过主观,不应该出现在论文里,建议改成“作者认为”。
    2012-05-14 15:16:01
  • 很赞哦! (21)