

2004-11-26 22:30:291***


  •   一、Choose the most proper answer (选择最恰当的答案) ( ) 1。 I ‘d like to buy ten ____ stamps。 A。 20 cents B。 20-cent C。
       20 cent D。 20-cents ( ) 2。 It takes two days ____ a letter to reach Hong Kong。 D。/ ( ) 3。 Mum told her child ____ naughty again。
       notbe ( ) 4。My father is ____ now。 He is always ____ his work。。 A 。 busying…busy B。 busy… busy C。 busy… busy with D。
       busying… busy doing ( ) 5。you don’t need ____ very much。 worryabout ( ) 6。 Jack’s granny was ill。 He____ her to the hospital at once。
       ntokD。takes ( ) 7。 A: How long may I ____ this book ? B: For two days。 rrow ( ) 8。 Have you ____ the singing group ? inedin ( ) 9。
       She told me ____ she had said to the teacher just now。 atB。whatC。whereD。how ( ) 10。 We had three tests ____ last month。
       theend ( ) 11。 I have been here for ____。 metimes ( ) 12。 A: What are they ____ ? B: A new film。 A。 talking B。
       talk about C。 talking about D。 speaking ( ) 13。 Is there anything in your ____ hand, Mary ? eanother ( ) 14。 _____ freezing weather it is today ! A。
       How B。 What a C。 What D。 What an ( ) 15。 The room is big enough fot us____。 holdameeting C。 holding a meeting D。
       holding a meeting in ( ) 16。 He asked ______。 A。 When did you bought the dictionary B。 When did you buy the dictionary C。
       How long you had bought the dictionary D。 How long you had buy the dictionary ( ) 17。 I remember ____ him on a very cold morning。
       He was playing _____。 eing… see…with eing… e…for ( ) 18。 Mr Green ____ to Chinese food now。 e ( ) 19。 Lupu bridge will be the sixth bridge ____ the river ? D。
      above ( ) 20。 Our school is ____ this highrise。 You can’t see it from here。 hind答案未知。
    2004-11-26 22:44:00
  • 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D
    2004-11-27 11:14:59
  • 1:C 2:B 3:C 4:C 5:C 6:D 7:B 8:D 9:A 10:A 11:B 12:D 13:C 14:B 15:B 16:C 17:D 18:C 19:C 20:D
    2004-11-27 10:45:37
  • BBCCDCBBBACCBCACACAD 有几个不确定,大家一起来做吧!!
    2004-11-26 23:15:36
  • 最好
    2004-11-26 23:07:33
  • 最好
    2004-11-26 22:55:02
  • 很赞哦! (266)