

2005-12-31 08:16:32a***
1、苹果和梨你比较喜欢哪种?2、昨天要不是她生病,她就来了。 3、我们的工作和英语有很大的关系。 4、他是一个友善的人,对此我们深信不疑。 5、lily被认为是我们中成绩最好的人。各位大姐大哥们,帮小妹翻译一下这些英语,谢谢!1、苹果和梨你比较喜欢哪种?2、昨天要不是她生病,她就来了。3、我们的工作和英语有很大的关系。4、他是一个友善的人?


  • 1、苹果和梨你比较喜欢哪种? Which one do you like better? Apple or pear? Which one do you prefer? Apple or pear? 2、昨天要不是她生病,她就来了。 She would have come yesterday if she had not been ill. 3、我们的工作和英语有很大的关系。 Our work has a lot to do with English. 4、他是一个友善的人,对此我们深信不疑。 He is a friendly person, which we have no doubt about. 5、lily被认为是我们中成绩最好的人。 Lily is considered as the one with best scores among us.
    2005-12-31 09:16:11
  • 1、苹果和梨你比较喜欢哪种? Which one do you prefer? apple or pear? 2、昨天要不是她生病,她就来了。 She would have been here if she were well yesterday. 3、我们的工作和英语有很大的关系。 Our work involves English a lot. 4、他是一个友善的人,对此我们深信不疑。 We firmly believe that he is an amicable man. 5、lily被认为是我们中成绩最好的人。 Lily is belived to be the one with best performance.
    2005-12-31 10:06:36
  • 1. Which one do you like better? Apple or pear? 2. She’d have been here if she didn’t get sick yesterday. 3. Our work has a lot to do with English. 4. We deeply believe that he is an amiability man. 5. Lily is regarded as the person who does the best.
    2005-12-31 09:59:12
  • 1、苹果和梨你比较喜欢哪种?which one do you prefer, apples or pears?
    2005-12-31 09:05:25
  • 1, Which do you like better, apples or pears? 2, She could have come if she had not been ill yesterday. 3, Our work has a lot to do with English. 4, He is a kind man, which I'm quite sure. 5, Lily is regarded as the one of those who achieves the best scores among us all.
    2005-12-31 08:44:41
  • 1. Which one do you favor more between apple and pear? 2. She’d have been here if she didn’t get sick yesterday. 3. Our work has close relationship with English. 4. We deeply believe that he is an amiability man. 5. Lily is regarded as the person who does the best.
    2005-12-31 08:43:15
  • 很赞哦! (265)