

2011-03-28 13:53:50v***
1.Since we have a focused subject,we should not talk ________. once hand intervals random2.We promise that we’ll meet again after we _______ our college education in three years’ time. nishB.will finish nishedD.will have finished 3.That proposal is essentially irrelevant ________ the issue at hand. A. with   om 4.Robots differ from automatic machines ________ after completion of one specific task,they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one. case hat which ime5.With such a poor score in the entrance exam, it’s ________ impossible for him to be admitted to this university. ughlyB.absolutely C.fully D.exclusively 6.Fish is ________ and expensive at this time of the year in this area. largemeasure theminimum shortsupply themaximum7.If an earthquake occurred,some of the one-storey houses ________. A.might be left stand B.might leave to be standing C.might be left to stand D.might be left standing 8.The oceans do not so much divide the world _______ unite it. atC. but ke9.He was specifically asked to write a play that would be ________ to the local community. A. flexible cessible sponsible pable10.They should try to ________ their usual inhibitions and join in the fun. ndoff yasideC. take to D. turn off 11.Please write a report _______ the above subjects are to be covered. A. which which at hat12.Basically,these attitudes amount to a belief ________ leisure can and should be put to good use. A.which atC.what D.how 13.During the past two decades, research has ________ our knowledge of daydreaming. A. expanded B. emerged scended nquered14.________,he had no time to rest. A.As he was tired B.If he was tired C.Tired as he was D.Now that he was tired 15._______, could you get me a Turkish conversation book? A. In this way B. By the way C. In no way D. In any way 16._______ that the scientist will give us a talk next month? A. Is true B. Is it true C. It’s true D. It’s truly 17.I understood from her that you undertook other important work ______. well tooas alsoas goodas18.You are the most direct young woman I have ever _______. eto einto eover eacross19.Such person _______ you describe is rare nowadays. atD.what 20.It rained hard yesterday, ______ prevented me from going to the park. atB. which   21.This is the most beautiful village _______ I visited these years. A. which B. where which at22.He found _______ difficult to study maths. at o23.It is vital that the work _______ in time. done done edoneD. was done 24.The professor worked for 7 hours at a ________. retchB.extend C.expand long25.Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement,he wonders _______ will happen to his family life. atC.what is26.Never before _______ so rapidly developing as it is today. A.has our country been B.our country has been C.has been our country D.our country hasn’t been 27.New drivers are far more ________ to have accidents than experienced drivers. A. possible kely bableD. unlikely 28.People who can’t _______ between colors are said to be color-blind. parateB. divide C. distinguish D. appointed 29._______ is known to all,China will be an _______ powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time. A.That;advancing B.This;advanced C.As;advanced D.It;advancing 【we.a】英语单选1.Sincewehaveafocusedsubject,weshouldnottalk________.oncehandintervalsrandom?


  •   1选D,既然我们 有了确定的主题,就不要随意(at random)谈 2选A,这里相当于一个条件状语从句,条件句必不能用将来时,排除B,D ,C时态不对 3选D,固定搭配,不相关的意思 4 选A,in case of 的意思 5选B,完全不可能的意思,fully 有充分的意思,不符合句子意思 6物以稀(in short supply)为贵,。
       7eartuquake 和 houses 构成动宾关系,所以选择被动语态,排除B ,leave是主动表示被动,所以排除C,houses 和动词stand 构成主谓关系,所以用主动语态,排除A,所以选D 8。 选择C,这里的do 表示强调,整个句子的意思是,海确实没有把世界分开多少,而是将世界连起来了,这里考察not……but…… 9。
      句子的意思是,他被专诚邀请写一个当地小区都能看的戏剧剧本,accessible 可达到的 10。句子的意思是他们应该尽力把这些常规的禁例放下(lay aside),然后尽兴加入 11。主句是一个祈使句,主谓宾齐全,a report 是write 的先行词,后面是一个定语从句,定语从句中the above subjects是主语,are to be covered是一个被动式的谓语,成分齐全,因此定于从句缺少一个状语,作状语的就只有关系副词了,或者介词+关系代词了,因此排除A,C,that是不能跟介词的,因此选B 12。
      很明显belief后面是一个同位语从句(对其前面的名词进行名词性的解释),所以选择B 13。根据句子意思,选A,B为出现,C为下降,D为征服,均不符合句子意思 14。根据句子意思,尽管他累了,但是……,很显然,这是一个由as引导的让步状语从句,要用倒装结构,所以选择C 15。
      顺便问一下,你能替我带一本土耳其交谈累的书籍吗?所以选择B 16。后面是一个问号,显然是一个疑问句,不能用陈述语序,所以排除C,D,将句子还原成陈述语序为,主语+谓语+宾+that 从句,也就是主语+谓语+宾语+从句(一个句子主谓宾(或者是表语)必须齐全,其他句子成分另外考虑)。
      把A套进去,然后还原成陈述语序为is true that……,你会发现这个句子少了一个主语,将B套进去,为it is true that……,你发现it 是形式主语,is是谓语,true是表语,that 引导的句子是形式主语it指代的真正主语,由于主语较长,所以放后面 17。
      我得好好研究 e to 来到,到达,come into了解,come over 过来,come across 遇见,根据句子意思,选择D:你是我所遇见到的年轻女孩中最直白的! 19。考察固定搭配such……as…… rained hard yesterday是一个主句,逗号隔开的是一个非限制性定语从句,that 不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以首先排除,it 就更不用说了,显然这个主句中prevented是一个谓语,me是主语,going to 是一个宾语,所以整个非限制性定语从句缺少的是主语,关系代词which可以引导非限制性定语从句,也可以作为非限制性定语从句的主语,或者宾语,所以选择B 21。
       这是我三年以来所到过的最美丽的村庄,所以根据句子意思可以判visit是及物动词,而先行词beautiful village在定语从句中做visited的宾语,所以定语从句需要一个关系代词(只有关系代词才能作为宾语或者主语),故而排除只能作为状语的关系副词where,或者in which(介词+关系代词相当于状语),在定语从句中用了最高级一定要用that ,所以选择D 22。
      这里考察it 作为形式宾语,代替不定式的语法,he 是主语,found是谓语,to study maths是it指代的宾语,而difficult就是宾语补足语了 23。这里考察necessary ,important做表语,引导虚拟从句的语法,vital=important ,在it is +(important,necessary,vital,essential)+that +主语+(should,must)+do sth 的结构中,should等情态动词是可以省略的,所以在这里选择B 24。
      这里考察固定短语at a stretch一口气地,这个教授一口气工作七小时 25。Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement,he wonders _______ will happen to his family life. 句子意思是:虽然tom很满意他的学习成绩,但是他想知道这对他的家庭生活将意味着什么(但是他想知道这会让他的家庭生活发生什么),所以选择C,although引导让步状语从句,从句中,tom是主语, is satisfied with 是复合谓语,his academic achievement是宾语,主句中he是主语,wonders是及物动词做宾语,后面跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中由that引导,而且一般可以省略,宾语从句中,will happen to 显然是谓语,而 his family life 是宾语,所以宾语从句中缺少了主语,结合句子的意思,选择C 26。
      这里用了倒装,可以先安装句子的正常结构(主语+谓语+宾语)还原为陈述句: Our country have never beening developing so rapidly as it is today 根据句子意思,我们的国家以前从来没有像今天发展的那么快(动态的发展,所以应该用现在完成进行时),D选项中的hasn’t 加上题干中的never ,构成双重否定表肯定,与句子意思恰好相反,所以首先排除,因为never放在句子开头,所以应该用倒装,故排除B,C,选择A 27。
      B和D,构成反义词,因此答案肯定在其中,故排除AC,根据句子意思,相比经验老道的司机们,新的司机更不可能(unlikely)有这么(far)多(more)的车祸事故,故而选择D,far 是修饰比较级的常用副词 28。根据常识,不能辨别红色和绿色的人就是色盲,所以选择C,distinguish between是一个固定搭配 29。
      这里考察固定搭配,as is known to all众所周知 。
    2011-04-01 20:48:53
  • 1,D 2,A 3,D 4,B 5,B 6,C 7,A 8,A 9,B 10,B 11,B 12,B 13,A 14,A 15,B 16,B 17,A 18,B 19,B 20,B 21,C 22,A 23,B 24,A 25,C 26,A 27,A 28,C 29,C
    2011-03-28 15:49:35
  • 很赞哦! (140)