

2005-01-24 12:20:36l***
请教:“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”怎么翻译:The trees long to be still but the wind won't cease. T?


  • The trees long to be still but the wind won't cease. The children long to serve but the parents can't wait.
    2005-01-24 12:41:07
  • 平儿翻译的不错
    2005-01-25 11:09:22
  • the tree desires repose, but the wind will not stop. the son desires to serve, but his parents are already gone. 摘自林语堂先生“the importance of living”一书
    2005-01-24 14:43:12
  • The tree may prefer calm, but the wind will not subside; The young may prefer support, but the old are gone forever. The actual meaning of the first sentence here is that "class struggle is inevitable in class society".
    2005-01-24 12:59:03
  • 树想安静可是如果风不止的话,那就是不可能的,子女想孝敬父母,可是父母已经去世.试想,这是多么悲惨的画面啊,所以我们做子女的,一定要在父母还在的时候好好孝敬,让他们安度晚年啊!
    2005-01-24 12:47:20
  • 很赞哦! (263)