

2006-12-28 10:29:42c***
1. It was not ________the many blows she received as the lack of fighting spirit _______led to her losing the game. ; much;lastClikethatDas;which 2.---- Is Bob still performing? ----I'm afrais not.He is said_______the stage already as he has become an official. beleft为什么选A而不是C 3.Do let your mother konw all the truth.She appears_______everything havebeentold 4. Tony was very unhappy for _______to the party . thavingbeeninvited 5. Customer are asked to make sure taht they____the right change before leaving the shop. A. wil give B.have been given C. have given D. wil be given 6. The boy whom you lent the bike to ____by a car hitC.havingbeenhitD.washit 7.When and where to go for the on --salary holidy____yet. notbeingdecidedD.hasnotbeendecided 8.Every possible means___-,but none proves successful. iedD.havebeentried请求语法解释1.Itwasnot________themanyblowsshereceivedasthelackoffightingspirit_______l?


  • 1.A第二个空其实that 和 which 都可以用,因为前面用了that所以后面避免重复用which(你永远不会遇上这么说话的native speaker的) 2. have been left 是被动而句子的意思是Bob主动离开 3.D 她看上去已经被告之了. 4.A 介词for后面加动名词,句意是没有被邀请,所以用被动. 5.B 6.D The boy (whom you lent the bike to) ____by a car.Can you understand? 7.D when and where 作为整体讲 8.A every 强调每一个用单数.
    2006-12-28 11:09:35
  • 很赞哦! (139)