

2007-03-06 19:53:47镜***
主题不限!【3分钟英语演讲稿】请写一篇3分钟的英语演讲稿主题不限!:An Exciting Basketball Match This afternoon there was an exc?


  •   An Exciting Basketball Match This afternoon there was an exciting basketball match between our maths and English teachers。
       The match began at 5 after class。 Many students watched the games and cheered for their own teachers。 Now Mr。 Li, our maths teacher, got the ball。
       Die was just about to pass it to Mr。 Wang, who was under the basket, when Mr。Zhang rushed up to stop him。 Mr。 Li turned swiftly and with a beautiful back-up shot the ball fell into the basket。
       Everyone cheered loudly。 I jumped and shouted, even forgetting I'm a girl student。 The match lasted forty minutes and the result was 78:80-the maths teachers won。
       Our English teachers Were also glad, and they said the result was not the most important。 一场激动人心的篮球赛 今天卞午,数学和英语老师有一场激动人心的篮球赛。
      比赛于放学后五点开始,许多学生在观看,为他们自己的老师喝彩加油。瞧,我们的数学老师李老师抢到了球,他刚要传给篮下的王老师,突然被张老师冲上来拦住。李老师猛一转身,一个漂亮的转身投篮,投中了!大家欢呼起来,我又跳又喊,完全忘记自己是一名女生。 比赛持续了四十分钟,比分是78比80——数学老师获胜。
      我们的英语老师也很高兴,他们说结果并不是最重要的。 。
    2007-03-08 14:41:44
  •   Halloween or Hallowe'en is a tradition celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes and going door-to-door collecting sweets, fruit, and other gifts。
       Apart from this trick-or-treating, there are many other traditional Halloween activities。 Some of these include costume parties, watching horror films, going to "haunted" houses, and traditional autumn activities such as hayrides, some of these even "haunted"。
       Halloween originated under a different name ("samhain") as a Pagan festival among the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain with mainly Irish and Scots and other immigrants transporting versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century。
       Most other Western countries have embraced Halloween as a part of American pop culture in the late twentieth century。 Halloween is celebrated in most parts of the Western world, most commonly in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Peru, and with increasing popularity in Australia and New Zealand。
       In recent years, Halloween has also been celebrated in parts of Western Europe。 。
    2007-03-07 21:19:42
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