

2005-08-13 11:06:551***
【无奈英文单词】无奈用英文怎么说啊:无奈的气愤 impotent rage. 出于无奈她才去。 She couldn't help but go 我无奈须忍辱告贷。?


  •   无奈的气愤 impotent rage。 出于无奈她才去。 She couldn't help but go 我无奈须忍辱告贷。 I am forced to swallow my pride and ask for a loan。
       老年人常出於无奈而独自生活。 As an old person,one is often condemned to live alone 因无法生火,我们迫于无奈,只好用雪拌饼干吃。 Since there was no way to make a fire,we had to bow to the inevitable and had some biscuits with snow。
       他的第一部小说《计出无奈》于1871年问世。 His first novel,"Desperate Remedies,"appeared in1871。 。
    2005-08-13 11:13:25
  • unfortunately , helpless , without choice
    2005-08-13 14:17:03
  • have no choice ;cannot help but 你可以在网上下载安装金山词霸,蛮好的
    2005-08-13 11:12:30
  • 很赞哦! (284)