

2005-11-23 17:36:32我***
老师总说我的英语作文没有标点符号,只有顿号.我不以为然.英语的标点符号重要吗?老师总说我的英语作文没有标点符号,只有顿号.我不以为然.:英语标点符号的重要性 标点符号在文章中起着连接句子、区分句意的作用。请仔细?


  •   英语标点符号的重要性 标点符号在文章中起着连接句子、区分句意的作用。请仔细阅读下面的句子看看有无标点符号意义会产生什么区别,把句子翻译过来。
       1.a.Tom says the teacher is a silly donkey. b.Tom,says the teacher,is a silly donkey. 2.a.Did he go over his lessons,then? b.Did he go over his lessons then? 3.a.What a girl! b.What?a girl? 4.a.Do you know her father? b.Do you know her,father? 5.a.He is a short story writer. b.He is a short-story writer. 6.a.There were,too,many children there. b.There were too many children there. 7.a.I didn't go to see her because she was ill. b.I didn't go to see her,because she was ill. 所以呀,你还敢不以为然吗?。
    2005-11-24 00:26:52
  • 很重要,没有标点符号,那就得一口气读下来谁可以呀?
    2005-11-23 17:43:24
  • 你不会连问号都没有吧... 要养成良好的标点习惯!
    2005-11-23 17:40:42
  • 非常重要, 没有标点 不是文章 那是单词啊 你不让读你作文的老师喘口气啊 可怜可怜老师吧
    2005-11-23 17:39:36
  • 很赞哦! (191)