

2006-08-06 21:34:49哭***
(1)This is_____ID card.Is it Tome's? No,it isn't_______ A.an;his B.a;hers C.an;him D.a;his (2)____Your brother _____fruit? Yes,He likes it very much. A.Is,like B.Does,like C.Do,likes D.Does, likes (3)My father doesn't play sports.He only _____on TV A.reds it B.watch them C.looks it D.watches them (4)He eats____healthy food. A.lot of B.a lot of C.any D.a lots of (5)Your hat is very nice. _____ A.You are right B.That's right C.You are welcome D.Thank you (6)He can speak Japanese,____only a little. A.and B.so C.but D.then (7)Do Chinese like playing basketball? _____ A.Yes, he does B.No,they aren't C.Yes,they do C.No,they can;t (8)____does your borther go to school? A.What time B.What C.How D.Where (9)Can I have _____bread? Sorry,you can't have_____bread. A.any,any B.some,some C.some, any D.any,some (10)I like reading.I often go to______。 A.the classrome B.the Reading Club C.the teacher's office D.the bus (11)Where is your homework? I'm sorry. I forgot ______it here. A.to boring B.bringging C.to take D.takeing (12)I can't _______my sweater .Can you help me? A.find B.look for C.look D.look like (13)______does your cousin do? He is a worker. A.Where B.What C.How D.Which (14)Mr Smith is going to NanJing____Monday morning. A.at B.in C.on D.of (15)Why do you want to join the club? _______I like music. A.so B.And C.But D.Because 英语选择题(1)Thisis_____IDcard.IsitTome's?No,itisn't_______A.an;hisB.a;hersC.an;himD.?


  •   (1)This is_____ID card。Is it Tom's? No,it isn't_______ A。an;his B。a;hers C。an;him D。a;his 选A 第1空:ID card是以元音音标开头,所以用an 第2空:填名词性物主代词his =his(ID card) (2)____Your brother _____fruit? Yes,He likes it very much。
       A。Is,like B。Does,like C。Do,likes D。Does, likes 选B,这是一般疑问句,助动词Do提前放句首,因为Your brother 是第三人称,所以用Does。 后面用动词原形like (3)My father doesn't play sports。
      He only _____on TV A。reads it B。watch them C。looks it D。watches them 选D,这里he是第三人称,所以用watches (4)He eats____healthy food。
       A。lot of B。a lot of C。any D。a lots of 选B,a lot of +名词 (固定词组) (5)Your hat is very nice。 _____ A。You are right B。That's right C。
      You are welcome D。Thank you 选D,当别人赞美你的时候 你应该说Thank you (6)He can speak Japanese,____only a little。 A。and B。so C。but D。
      then 选C, 表转折, 用but (7)Do Chinese like playing basketball? _____ A。Yes, he does B。No,they aren't C。Yes,they do C。No,they can;t 选C, 因为Chinese是集体名词,所以这里用they, Do you like 。
      。。。? yes,I do。/No,I don't。 它的回答要用助动词do。 (8)____does your borther go to school? A。What time B。What C。How D。Where 选C,问用什么样的方式去某地,用How提问。
       (9)Can I have _____bread? Sorry,you can't have_____bread。 A。any,any B。some,some C。some, any D。any,some 选C,Can I have some bread? 是希望得到肯定的回答,所以虽然它是疑问句但用some 后一空是填any 因为它是否定句。
      。 (10)I like reading。I often go to______。 A。the classrome B。the Reading Club C。the teacher's office D。the bus 选B,翻译:我喜欢读书。
      所以我经常去the Reading Club(阅读俱乐部) (11)Where is your homework? I'm sorry。 I forgot ______it here。 A。to boring B。bringging C。
      to take D。taking 选B, forget doing是忘了做某事的意思 (12)I can't _______my sweater 。Can you help me? A。find B。look for C。look D。
      look like 选A,find强调结果,look for 强调过程, 我没有找到我的毛衣--这是一个结果。 (13)______does your cousin do? He is a worker。 A。Where B。What C。
      How D。Which 选B,当问别人的职业时,用What提问。 (14)Mr Smith is going to NanJing____Monday morning。 A。at B。in C。on D。of 选C,Monday morning是具体时间,所以用on。
       (15)Why (为什么)do you want to join the club? _______I like music。 A。so B。And C。But D。Because 选D A。so 所以 B。And 和 C。But 但是 D。
      Because 因为 当用Why...(为什么...)提问时,用Because...(因为...)回答。
    2006-08-07 10:18:01
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