

2006-08-24 22:01:30C***
春节是中国传统的节日,过去人民以贴春联,挂红灯,包饺子,走亲访友等来庆祝新年.但如今中国以新的方式来庆祝新年,人民看晚会,发电子贺卡,送鲜花,外出旅游等.请你写一篇关于春节习俗的变化的作文. 要求:字数70到100请大家帮我写一篇英语作文春节是中国传统的节日,过去人民以贴春联,挂红灯,包饺子,走亲访友等来庆祝新年.但如今中国以新的方式来庆祝新年,人民看晚会,发电子贺卡,送?


  •   Spring festival is a traditional holiday for Chinese。 In foretime people used to be putted on spring festival scrolls and red lantern, buy some new clothes puted on at new year night, also make dumpling make lot dishes at festival day, in that time everybody wait for this day come, dream of spring festival。
       But in the new century everything changed , people started watch new year party, and send new year card by email ,send flowers and go out for holiday。
       See how much change now, for the kids now, don't dream about new year any, cause everyday for then like a new year。 How lucky for them!。
    2006-09-03 20:48:42
  • 很赞哦! (14)