

2011-04-10 14:59:32R***
请大家推荐一些经典的英文电影独白,就是一个人自言自语,或是内心的独白经典电影英文电影独白请大家推荐一些经典的英文电影独白,就是一个人自言自语,或是内心的独白:红色角落 很适合楼主?


  • 红色角落 很适合楼主
    2011-04-10 16:44:33
  •   海上钢琴师,男主角很多台词我都很喜欢,觉得跟自己有心灵碰撞的感觉 what I feel is sympathy,a extravagance however。。 It wasn't what I saw that stopped me It was what I didn't see In all the scrawing city there was everything except the end There was no end What I didn't see was where the whole thing came to an end The end of the wolrld You take the piano The key begins the key ends You knew there're 88 of them,nobody can tell you any differences They are not infinite You are infinite And on the keys the music you can make is infinite I like that That I can live by You got me on that gangway and you roll out in front of me A keyboard of millions and billions of keys that never end and that's the truth that they never end That keyboard is infinite And if that keyboard is infinite then there is no music you can play You're sitting on the wrong bench That's God's piano Did you see streets?Just the streets,there were thousands of them How do you do it down there How do you choose just one? One woman one house one piece of land to call your own one landspape to look at One way to die? All the world just weighing down on you You don't even knew where it comes to an end I mean aren't you ever just scored of breaking apart at the thought of it? At the enormity of living it? I was born on this ship。
      And the world passed me by。 But two thousands of people at a time and there were wishes here But never more than fit between prow and stern You played out your happiness but on a piano that was not infinite I learned to live that way Land?Land is too big for me It's a ship too big for mw A woman too beautiful a voyage too long It's a perfurm too strong a misic I didn't know how to make I could never get off the ship At best I can step off my life。
      。。 。
    2011-04-19 00:50:55
  • 呵呵 像 if you jump into the sea,i will too
    2011-04-12 09:32:12
  • 去优酷可以下载;有老英文电影;
    2011-04-10 15:03:56
  • 很赞哦! (284)