

2006-05-29 22:20:21清***
33. The telephone _________ four times in the last hour, and each time it ________ for my roommate.   A. has rung; was   B. has been ringing; is  C. had rung; was  D. rang; has been 34. He asked me ___________.   A. how would the weather be like tomorrow.   B. what the weather would be like the next day   C. how the weather would be tomorrow   D. what the weather will be like the next day 35. Flowers grow better __________ there is enough rain and sunlight. heplaceswhich whichD.where高一英语几道选择题33.Thetelephone_________fourtimesinthelasthour,andeachtimeit________for?


  • 1.c 2.b 3.c 个人见解.
    2006-05-29 22:50:17
  • 很赞哦! (199)