

2006-08-11 18:29:18哈***
This is a wonderful place....wonderful place! (a)How (b)What (c)What a (d)How a They were dressed in old clothes.They were wearing old (a) cloth (b)cloths (c)clothing (d)dresses英语好的来看看Thisisawonderfulplace....wonderfulplace!(a)How(b)What(c)Whata(d)HowaTheyw?


  • 第一题选C,此为感叹句用法,又如,What a beatiful picture (it is)! How beatiful the picture is! What 后接的是名词,而How后接的是形容词或副词. 第二题选C,clothing作为衣服的总称,为不可数名词;cloth的意思是布; dress,常用在be/get dressed in,dress oneself/sb的搭配中,又根据上句的意思,故选C.
    2006-08-12 12:14:55
  • C This is a wonderful place What a wonderful place! C They were dressed in old clothes. They were wearing old clothing
    2006-08-11 18:45:14
  • c how wonderful a place=What a wonderful place d此个应为复数 a) cloth布 (b)cloths应为CLOTHES
    2006-08-11 18:37:04
  • c 两种用法:how wonderful the place is! what a wonderful place!
    2006-08-11 18:36:23
  • 很赞哦! (58)