

2024-07-12 06:00:00N***
英语情景对话两人十句(英语情景对话两人):1、M: Listen! I’m terribly sorry. I’m late.W: I’ve only b?


  • 1、M: Listen! I’m terribly sorry. I’m late.W: I’ve only been waiting for over an hour, that’s allM: Yes, I know, and I would have…….Just let me explain . I…I tried to get here in time, but just after I left home, the car broke down,W: The car broke down?M: Yes, and ….well…luckily…there was a garage near me, And,and it took them a while to repair it,W: Why didn’t you at least phone?M: I would have! But I didn’t know the number of the restaurant.W: You could have looked it up in the telephone book!M: Yes, but…You’ll never believe this…I couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant. I knew where it was, but forgot the name,W: I see, Well, it was lucky you find a garage to repair your carM: Yes, It was something I couldn’t do myself, It didn’t take too long, but that’s why I’m late, you see.W: HU huh. Which garage by the way?M: Uh……The one near my flat, Lewis Brothers.W: I know the garage very well!M: Yes, Let’s see now. Let’s have something to eat, What about some….W: A pity it’s Sunday.M: Pardon?W: A pity it’s Sunday. The garage is closed on Sunday!

    2024-07-12 06:00:00
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