

2005-05-25 10:06:121***
怎么用英文说“抽出时间”?:find time for sb 或者使用比喻说法:squeeze sb in ** (o'clock)在几点钟抽出时间给某人?


  • find time for sb 或者使用比喻说法:squeeze sb in ** (o'clock)在几点钟抽出时间给某人
    2005-05-25 10:37:47
  • manage to find time
    2005-05-26 02:35:50
  • “抽出时间”的基本英文是: spare the time。在具体使用时,会有一些变化。请看下面的例句: Can you spare the time to help me? Next week I will probably have more time to spare. I will call on you on Monday if you can spare me the time. Professor Wang, can you spare me a minute? I have a question to ask you.
    2005-05-26 00:33:20
  • 词组:get around to 抽出时间 I don't think I ever got around to telling you before.But there's been many students who have attempted to set up a school government. 我想我以前没有抽出时间告诉你,但确实有许多学生试图建立一个学校管理体系。
    2005-05-25 16:51:44
  • spare time
    2005-05-25 11:56:59
  • spare some time
    2005-05-25 10:53:50
  • Spare sb some time; spare some time to do something
    2005-05-25 10:44:16
  • make time
    2005-05-25 10:31:24
  • allow oneself a bit of time
    2005-05-25 10:20:34
  • 很赞哦! (148)