

2011-06-12 01:52:571***
急求英语高手翻译毕业论文的题目、摘要、关键词,要人工翻译的那种..急需啊,十分感谢大家了.. 摘要:舞蹈是一项历史悠久的艺术,随着时代的进步,社会对艺术教育的要求日益提高,舞蹈同时也作为一种形体艺术,也越来越多地吸引着大众。各种舞蹈五彩缤纷,种类繁多,诸舞种体态迥异,各具特色,但它们有其内在的共同性和基本规律。 提到“芭蕾”,人们就会很自然的联想到它那优美、非凡的舞姿和高贵、典雅的气质。芭蕾基础训练在舞蹈表演中起着非常重要的作用,练习芭蕾基础,舞蹈演员能加强身体的柔韧性和体能,解放四肢。在表现舞蹈作品的同时,舞蹈演员灵活地舞动自己的身体,轻盈的跳跃。用美的姿态和动作来传情达意。给观众留下深刻的印象和难忘的回忆。芭蕾舞基础训练以科学性、规范性、严谨性为特点,演员们经过“开、绷、直、立”等严格的舞蹈磨练逐渐形成挺拔、均匀、完美的体态,并且使心与形相交融,在意念与感觉的延伸中,在“气质”上得到培养。芭蕾舞有一套比较科学的规范要求和训练法则,正是依靠这些法则,培养出了一大批出类拔萃的优秀舞蹈家,也推出了上百个优秀的舞蹈作品。 题目:论舞蹈基础训练的重要性 关键词:基础训练 控制能力 练习 灵活 技术动作急求英语高手翻译毕业论文的题目、摘要、关键词,要人工翻译的那种..急需啊,十分感谢大家了..摘要:舞蹈是一项历史悠久的艺术,随着时代的进步,社会对艺术教育的要求?


  • Title: The importance of basic training in dancing Key words: basic training, controlling, practice, flexibility, technical movements
    2011-06-18 23:14:39
  •   Abstract: The dance is an art with long history 。 With times progress, society's increasing demand for arts education, dance, and also as a body, and also attracting more and more popular。
       Colorful variety of dance, a wide range of body types of all different dance, different features, but they have the commonality of their inherent and fundamental laws。
       Reference to "ballet", people will naturally think it was a beautiful, extraordinary dance moves and noble, elegant temperament。
       Basic training in ballet dancing plays a very important role, practice basic ballet, dancers can strengthen the body flexibility and physical strength, the liberation of limbs。
       While in the performance of dance works, dancers dance their bodies flexible, lightweight jump。 Posture and movement with the United States to, emotions。
       Impressed the audience and unforgettable memories。 Ballet training to scientific, standardized, characterized by rigor, the actors through the "open, stretch, straight, vertical"and gradually honed dance strictly upright, uniform, perfect body, and the blend of heart and physiognomy, Extension of the ideas and feelings, in the "temperament" get training。
       Ballet has a more scientific norms and training algorithm is to rely on these laws, and fostered a large number of outstanding of outstanding dancers, has introduced hundreds of great dance works。
       Title: On the importance of Dance Training Key words: basic training exercises control of flexible technology moves。
    2011-06-14 16:16:47
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