

2005-01-02 10:28:07就***
是高手的说说求助!忍者神龟2的隐藏人物和隐藏任务怎么打啊是高手的说说:Play as Splinter: Successfully complete level 11-7.?


  •   Play as Splinter: Successfully complete level 11-7。 Alternately, Splinter is unlocked ten days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this。
       Splinter replaces Donatello。(成功完成leve11-7后,可以使用老鼠) Play as Casey Jones: Win the Open Brawl Tournament。 Alternately, Casey Jones is unlocked(比赛模式开启,可以使用Jones) five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this。
       Casey Jones replaces Raphael。(创建存档5天后,你可以通过修改 系统日期来实现这个功能??????) Play as Slashuur: Win the Battle Nexus Tournament。 Alternately, Slashuur is unlocked forty five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this。
       Slashuur replaces Leonardo。(通过Nexus的比赛模式,可以使用Slashuur,后者等待存档后45天······) Play as Karai: Defeat Karai in the Foot Fight Tournament in less than 150 seconds。
       Alternately, Karai is unlocked thirty five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this。
       Karai replaces Michaelangelo。(在 Foot Fight比赛中,150秒内干掉Karai,可以使用Karai,后者35天后······) ***以下为特殊装束***** New Nexus outfit for Donatello: Enter DSLRDRM as a password。
       New Nexus outfit for Leonardo: Enter LMRMDRD as a password。 New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo: Enter MLMRDRM as a password。
       New Nexus outfit for Raphael: Enter RMSRMDR as a password。 ******装束部分结束******* 注意:大写字母为密码~~~~~~ 个人心得:在存档以后退出游戏~再修改日期~改两年即(2005--2007)再进入游戏试试~~~!。
    2005-01-03 17:30:05
  • 给你找到一片秘籍攻略,只是e文多了点,嘿嘿,为了游戏多学学外语还得 这里是详细攻略一篇,哈哈 啦啦,最后还有无敌作弊器2款。
    2005-01-02 12:59:28
  • 很赞哦! (265)