

2007-04-19 14:47:00桔***
紧缺不仅使中国西部许多地区的生态平衡遭到严重破坏,而且危及到了正常的工农业生产和群众生活.求助:汉译英3(急着交作业的,麻烦大家帮忙了啊)紧缺不仅使中国西部许多地区的生态平衡遭到严重破坏,而且危及到了正常的工农业生产和群众生活.:shortage n?


  • shortage not only makes ecological balace detroyed seriously in many parts of the west in China but also endangers the normal life of the people and production of industry and ariculture.
    2007-04-19 15:22:17
  • Lots of districts of ecological balance of western China have been broken by short supply.What's worse ,it has seriously affected the normal production of industry and agriculture as well as the masses' life.
    2007-04-19 15:17:00
  • In short supply to make a lot of district of ecological balances, west of China, destroy seriously not merely, and jeopardize to normal industrial and agricultural production and masses' life.
    2007-04-19 14:48:04
  • 很赞哦! (263)