

2005-04-27 09:51:30w***
Can you tell me how many students there are in your class?Can you tell me how many students there are in your class?1) Can you tell me how many students there are in your class? 这句对吗? 是 there are 还是 are there 2)we are going to have fan learning and speaking english this term. learn 和 speak 为什么要加 ing 呢? 3)please 后面一般可以跟什么?如果是动词要用原形吗? 4)of+什么 可以变成形容词 呢? 5)can never是什么意思呢? 6)i am agree 这句对吗? 7)would you like to come over to my home?和would you like to come to my home? 有什么区别吗? 8)that's what they are selling at the store. 这句话的意思是? 9)有哪些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语 10)say,talk,tell这三个词有什么区别?Canyoutellmehowmanystudentsthereareinyourclass?Canyoutellmehowmanystudentstherea?


  •   1) Can you tell me how many students there are in your class? 这句对吗? 是 there are 还是 are there 这句话没有错误,因为后面是一个宾语从句,宾语从句中的特殊疑问句的词序是不变的 2)we are going to have fan learning and speaking english this term。
       learn 和 speak 为什么要加 ing 呢? 其实是,have fun in doing sth。 这里省略了in 3)please 后面一般可以跟什么?如果是动词要用原形吗? 是不是需要动词原形根据具体情况而定,一般的情况,please后面是一个祈使句please 是一个副词,修饰动词,但是可以在句子前面、中间、后面,所跟的词就不一样 4)of+什么 可以变成形容词 呢? of 后面跟抽象名词,就可以变成形容词性质,比如 of great importance 等于very important 5)can never是什么意思呢? 不会,不能的意思,有时候需要根据上下文来理解 6)i am agree 这句对吗? 不对,i agree。
       7)would you like to come over to my home?和would you like to come to my home? 有什么区别吗? 没有什么太大区别,只不过语气上的不同 8)that's what they are selling at the store。
       这句话的意思是? 这就是他们商店出售的东西 9)有哪些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语 不太了解 10)say,talk,tell这三个词有什么区别? say只是一般地说,及物动词,可以后面跟说的内容,talk为不及物动词,表示说话的神态多一些,比如I don't like the way he talks,就用talk,而不能用其他两个,tell是告诉而不是说,及物动词,与上面两个区别很明显。
    2005-04-27 10:36:29
  • 1.对.howmanystudentsthereareinyourclass是宾语从句.如果没有Canyoutellme的部分,则thereare必需是 ingsth.,要某人做某事,固定用法ease后面一般可以跟名词或动名词,如Pleasebringyourbooktome.4.of+名词,可作形容词用.nnever不能6.Iamagree,不对,应:Iagree.7.一般用wouldyouliketocomeovertomyhome8.他们店里卖的就是这个9.那就是他们店里正在卖的东西.10.得用语法书了. y,说...talk,说,谈论tell,告诉...
    2005-04-27 10:27:30
  •   1) Can you tell me how many students there are in your class? 对 是 there are 因为前面已经有了疑问形式 如果只问后半句,则为how many students are there in your class? 2)we are going to have fan learning and speaking english this term。
       learn 和 speak 加 ing 来修饰fan,作为fan的定语。 3)please 后面一般跟动词原形。 4)of+抽象名词 可以变成形容词 如:of importance=important 5)can never是"永远不能,永远不会"的意思。
       6)i am agree 这句不对 agree 是动词,不能用am 可以说 I do agree。来强调“同意”。 7)would you like to come over to my home?和would you like to come to my home? 有区别 但不大 come over 好象有点不辞辛苦的意思,而come很平淡。
       8)that's what they are selling at the store。 这句话的意思是“这就是他们的商店卖的东西”。 9)有哪些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语 want。。。 不太清楚 10)say,talk,tell这三个词区别 say 平常的“说”+to talk "谈论"+to,with tell“告诉”+sb sth/about sth。
    2005-04-27 10:14:53
  •   1) Can you tell me how many students there are in your class? 这句对 2)we are going to have fan learning and speaking english this term。
       learn 和 speak 为什么要加 ing 呢? ing固定用法表示让某人做。。。 3)please 后面一般可以跟什么?如果是动词要用原形吗? please+v。(原型) 4)of+什么 可以变成形容词 呢? of+n。
       比如:of great importance 很重要=very important 5)can never是什么意思呢? 不可能 6)i am agree 这句对吗? 当然不对 7)would you like to come over to my home?和would you like to come to my home? 有什么区别吗? 前一句更客气。
       8)that's what they are selling at the store。 这句话的意思是? 他们店里卖的就是这个 9)有哪些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语 太多了。你买本牛津或朗文语法查一下吧。专门有总结分析 10)say,talk,tell这三个词有什么区别? talk with sb about sth (vi。
      ) tell sb sth, tell a lie, tell a story。
    2005-04-27 10:02:42
  • 很赞哦! (249)