

2008-07-14 12:33:29穹***
1.-Wow,so many new houses!I can't believe that.It used to be a poor village.(C) -Yes.___has changed here. A.Nothing B.Something C.Everything D.Anything 为什么不选D?Everything和Anything有什么根本区别,做这种选择题应该怎样取舍,能举例说明一下吗? 2.-Look,a blind man is in the middle of the street.It's too dangerous.(C) -Let's go and help him____the road. A.through B.along C.across D.over 我觉得好像没有正确选项,应该填cross吧。 3.-I didn't pass the math test.I think I have spent too much time playing computer games recently.(B) -I agree.You____play like that any more. A。needn't B.mustn't C.may not D.wouldn't英语选择题初升高1.-Wow,somanynewhouses!Ican'tbelievethat.Itusedtobeapoorvillage.(C)-Yes.?


  •   1。-Wow,so many new houses!I can't believe that。It used to be a poor village。 -Yes。_C__has changed here。 A。Nothing B。Something C。
      Everything D。Anything 在否定句和疑问句中要用anything,而不用everything。 从意思上区别;any任何的,强调部分,every所有的,强调全部 anything多用于否定、疑问和条件句中。 2。
      -Look,a blind man is in the middle of the street。It's too dangerous。 -Let's go and help him__C__the road。 A。through B。
      along C。across D。over across the road:过马路 across 是介词 cross=go across 穿过 3。-I didn't pass the math test。I think I have spent too much time playing computer games recently。
       -I agree。You_B___play like that any more。 A。needn't B。mustn't C。may not D。wouldn't musn't:禁止,千万不要,决不能。 。
    2008-07-14 12:41:26
  • 1 。 everying强调的是“每”一个,范围包括所有的 anything强调的是任何一个,强调“一”,它指的是任意的“一” 做题时要翻译。这道提说这个村庄以前很穷,现在有很多新房子。 另一个人说:这里的每一件是都发生了改变,不单指一件。 2 。 across是动词,cross是介词,help sb do 应该动词 3 。 A是不需要B是不要C是可能不D是不会 意思是你不要再像以前那样完了
    2008-07-14 12:45:59
  • 很赞哦! (120)