

2008-11-06 20:39:00g***
英语高手帮我翻译下..好不....:①. Lonely is not born that way, but has you to fall in love wi?


  • ①. Lonely is not born that way, but has you to fall in love with a person's that moment start. ②. In the world perhaps some section may not replace the sentiment, actually does not have a person not to be possible to replace. ③. Love causes the human to forget the time, the time also causes the human to forget love
    2008-11-06 23:58:00
  • Lonliness does not come with birth, but with falling in love. there may be a kind of feeling that can not be substituted,but there is not a person that can not be replaced. Love lets people forget time and time lets them forget love.
    2008-11-07 09:10:00
  • 很赞哦! (236)