

2011-02-10 18:03:57n***
How can you tell what is a radical and what is not? That is, when a radical is not on the left, but somewhere else in the character how do you identify it? Howcanyoutellwhatisaradicalandwhatisnot?Thatis,whenaradicalisnotontheleft,butsom?


  • Some radicals are on the left, some are on on the right, some are on the botten and some are on the top . It seems difficult in first, but when you remenber more words, you will find the radicals are the common part in a series of words,and words with the same radical usualy read alike. Mostly chinese students just remenber some typical radicals for distinguish and future learning
    2011-02-10 19:29:10
  • 很赞哦! (90)