

2007-01-27 11:13:29宇***
为了实现跨越式发展,实现嘉寓集团的发展战略,集团在2006年初制定了“产品国际化、资本市场化、股权多样化”的战略目标,集团目前正在积极筹备上市工作,公司已经在美国、英国、德国等设立了销售中心。 2008年奥运会即将到来,我们会紧紧抓住奥运会这个发展契机,奉献我们最好的技术及产品,做大做强嘉寓品牌,让世界了解嘉寓,让嘉寓走向世界。 展望未来,嘉寓人决心高高扬起共创和谐社会的风帆,奋力荡起改革创新的双桨,紧紧把握追求卓越的罗盘,全力开创嘉寓集团更加辉煌,更加美好的明天! 再帮我翻译一下,谢谢为了实现跨越式发展,实现嘉寓集团的发展战略,集团在2006年初制定了“产品国际化、资本市场化、股权多样化”的战略目标,集团目前正在积极筹备上?


  •   翻译结果 In order to realize surmounts the type development, realized the finehouse group's developmental strategy, the group has formulated "theproduct internationalization, the capital city site, the stockholder'srights diversification" in at the beginning of 2006 the strategictarget, the group at present positively is arranging to go on themarket the work, the company in US, England, Germany and so on hasalready set up the sales center。
       In 2008 the Olympic Games soon arrive, we can closely hold the OlympicGames this development turning point, offers we best technology andthe product, does greatly makes the strong fine house brand, lets theworld understand the fine house, lets the fine house move towards theworld。
       The forecast future, the fine house person was determined high raisesaltogether creates harmonious social the sail, furiously swings thereform innovation the twin screw, the tight assurance pursueremarkable compass, founds the fine house group to be moremagnificent with all one's strength, happier tomorrow! 。
    2007-01-27 15:23:39
  •   In order to realize surmounts the type development, realized the finehouse group's developmental strategy, the group has formulated "theproduct internationalization, the capital city site, the stockholder'srights diversification" in at the beginning of 2006 the strategictarget, the group at present positively is arranging to go on themarket the work, the company in US, England, Germany and so on hasalready set up the sales center。
       In 2008 the Olympic Games soon arrive, we can closely hold the OlympicGames this development turning point, offers we best technology andthe product, does greatly makes the strong fine house brand, lets theworld understand the fine house, lets the fine house move towards theworld。
       The forecast future, the fine house person was determined high raisesaltogether creates harmonious social the sail, furiously swings thereform innovation the twin screw, the tight assurance pursueremarkable compass, founds the fine house group to be moremagnificent with all one's strength, happier tomorrow! 。
    2007-01-27 11:51:22
  • 很赞哦! (86)