

2008-01-15 12:05:51海***
ctor,I’mnotfeelingwell,shesaid.Ioftenfeeltired.IfIworkinthegarden,Ihavetositdownandresteveryfiveminutes.ThedoctorlookedoverMrsBrownverycarefully.Atla ’snothingmuchwrongwithyou,butI’mafraidyouhav ’reeatingtoomuch!Idon’tunderstand!Whatdoyoumean?askedMrsBrown.Imeanyoueattoomuchfood,butyoudon’ttakeenoughexercise,saidthedoctor.Ohdear!YoumeanI’mtoofat?Thatisaproblem!SaidMrsBrown.WhatdoIhavetodoifIwanttobethinner?Theansweriseasy!saidthedoctor.Ifyouwanttobethinnerandhealthier,youhavetoeatlessfood—andyoualsohavetotakemoreexercise.WhatcanIeat?askedMrsBrown.Well,saidthedoctor.Everydayyoucanhaveoneapple,oneorange,onepieceofdrybread,andaglassofwater.Ifyoudothat,you’llsoonfeelmuchhealthier.Thankyou,doctor,saidMrs.Brown.Noproblem!Tellme,doIhavetotakethembeforeoraftermeals?Before?After?Saidthedoctor.No!Youdon’tunderstand!Notbeforeoraftermeals—insteadofthem.请求翻译4ctor,I’mnotfeelingwell,shesaid.Ioftenfeeltired.IfIworkinthegarden,Ihavetosi?


  •   Mrs Brown went to see her doctor。布朗夫人去看她的医生。 doctor, I’m not feeling well, she said 。 I often feel tired 。 If I work in the garden, I have to sit down and rest every five minutes。
       “医生,我觉得不大舒服”,她说道,“我经常感到很累。如果我在花园里干活的话,我不得不每过5分钟就坐下来休息。” The doctor looked over Mrs Brown very carefully 。医生很仔细地检查了布朗夫人。
       At last she said: There’s nothing much wrong with you , but I’m afraid you have a problem: you’re eating too much! 最后她说道:“没有什么大问题,但是我想你恐怕遇到了个问题:你吃得太多了!”I don’t understand! What do you mean ? asked Mrs Brown。
       “我不明白。你说的是什么意思?”布朗夫人问道。 I mean you eat too much food , but you don’t take enough exercise, said the doctor。“我是说你吃得太多了,但是你却没有做足够的运动。
      ”医生说。Oh dear ! You mean I’m too fat? That is a problem! Said Mrs Brown。 What do I have to do if I want to be thinner? “哦,天哪,你说我很胖?那真是个问题啊!”布朗夫人说,“我需要做什么呢,如果我想变得瘦些的话?”The answer is easy! said the doctor。
       If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food—and you also have to take more exercise。“那很简单!”医生说,“如果你想变得更瘦,你不得不吃更少的东西,你也得做更多的运动。
      ” What can I eat? asked Mrs Brown 。 “那我要吃什么呢?”布朗夫人问。 Well , said the doctor。 Every day you can have one apple, one orange , one piece of dry bread, and a glass of water。
       If you do that , you’ll soon feel much healthier。 “很好,”医生说,“每天你要吃个苹果,一个橘子,一片干面包和一杯水。如果你这么做的话,你很快就会变得更健康了。” Thank you , doctor, said Mrs。
      Brown。 No problem ! Tell me, do I have to take them before or after meals?“谢谢你,医生。”布朗夫人说,“没问题!但是请告诉我,我是要在饭前吃呢还是饭后?” Before? After? Said the doctor。
       No! You don’t understand ! Not before or after meals—instead of them。“饭前?饭后?”医生说,“不,你没听明白。不是在饭前也不是饭后--代替饭(意思是说把他们当饭吃)。” 这其实是个笑话而已,呵呵。
    2008-01-18 17:11:49
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