

2009-02-21 17:55:18w***
Twenty years had passed since then. He kept up a busy correspondence with various great ladies and his letters were amusing and chatty. He never lost his love for titled persons and paid much attention to the announcement in the Times of their comings and goings. He perused the column which records births,deaths,and marriages,and he was always ready with his letter of congratulations or condolence.TranslateintoChinese(2)Twentyyearshadpassedsincethen.Hekeptupabusycorrespondence?


  • 20年已经过去了。他保持了一个繁忙的信函各种伟大的女人和他的信件是有趣和健谈。他 从来没有失去他的爱为主题的人,并支付 重视宣布时代的往来和来往。他阅读了 栏记录出生,死亡,和 婚姻,他随时准备与他 信祝贺或慰问。
    2009-02-22 11:04:07
  •  20年过去了。他保持忙碌的信件和各种伟大的女士们,他的信件是有趣的和别人。他   他为《爱情不会丢失和支付   注意到这个声明在他们的来来往往。他仔细了   列记录出生、死亡和   结婚时,他总是用他的   的贺信或哀悼。
    2009-02-21 22:25:38
  • 很赞哦! (191)