

2011-04-18 18:35:091***
Western festivals had been rapidly popular in China recently. lots of youths are fond of Western festivals,which is regarded as a fishional lifestyle. The reasons are numberous, whereas some of the resons I thought of are crucial ,Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East through Economic Globalization. Second,many youths put more emphsis on Western festivals than our Traditional festivals,and consider that Western festivals are more modern. and then stores play an vital role in promoting the prevalence of Western festivals,they do their upmost to creat foreign festivals atmosphere which can help attract customers. Should Wstern festivals worth celebrating? What are the influences of this tendency? as people attach important to Wstern festivals, Traditional festivals, of thousands yeas accumulated, are neglected. however,Western festival help us access Western cultures,that promoting our understanding about western country. in brief, i think whichever culutrue we should put an equal footing.自己写了一篇三段式英语小作文,请老师点评下。WesternfestivalshadbeenrapidlypopularinChinarecently.lotso?


  • 嗯嗯。。。不错,但感觉内容有点乱哈。。。
    2011-04-18 18:59:16
  • 很赞哦! (59)