

2011-08-30 02:15:14n***
chloe(點發音)chloe(點發音):Chloë was the girl traditionally loved by Daphnis in the Greek p?


  •   Chloë was the girl traditionally loved by Daphnis in the Greek pastoral romances of the second century AD (which is quite late compared to most of the other personages here)。
       As Liddell and Scott attractively define it, chloe is 'the tender shoot of plants in spring, the blade of young corn or grass'。
       In short, Chloë the Green Shoot。 The name was also a by-name of Demeter。 Note how Chloë's leafy name matches that of her lover。
    2011-08-30 19:08:10
  • chloe(點發音) Chloe [`klEJI]
    2011-08-30 06:48:51
  • 很赞哦! (29)