

2005-08-05 18:42:45不***
1.In My opinion,it is the coach rather than the players that——。 A.is to blame B.is to be blamed C.are to blame D.are to be blamed 2.If I catch you ——again,I shall make you ——in after shcool——some extra work. A.cheat;stay;to do B.cheating;stay;to do C.to cheat;to stay;to do D.cheat;stay;doing 请说明原因两道英语选择题1.InMyopinion,itisthecoachratherthantheplayersthat——。A.istoblameB.istobeb?


  • 第一道题选A,是固定用法,对与blame,被责备不能说成是beblame,而应直接说成是blame,isto在这里是be动词的将来时用法第二道题选D,第一个空我也不明白,但是 sth.是固定用法即第二个空要填stay,最后用现在分词表示补充说明的一种状态
    2005-08-05 18:57:05
  • 1.是不是选A呀,直觉 2。也许是选 C 吧,catch+to do sth.
    2005-08-05 18:52:38
  • 很赞哦! (69)