

2008-09-04 10:48:06足***
why can't we print U.S dollars or Japanese Yen to buy their products? i raised this answer in Chinese before,but it seems that "iask" didn't allow me to do so.what i can do is ask in English,hope somebody can give me the answer,you can speak in chinese.if "iask" can't pass your answer,you can q me in !一个英语问题whycan'tweprintU.SdollarsorJapaneseYentobuytheirproducts?iraisedthisanswer?


  • 每个国家的法定货币 都是由国家统一发行的,强制使用的货币符号。 就中国来说 是由国务院授权中国人民银行(总行)发行,连支行都不行。而中国人民银行也不同于一般银行,它相当于一个国家机关, 并且,货币发行量=商品价格总额/货币流通次数 不能随意发行 因此,连本国都不能想发就发,更何况别国呢?反过来也是一样的 (文科出身,政治课上有学)
    2008-09-04 13:56:59
  • I think that is a silly question. If you study some knowledge on economics, you can find the answer by yourself.
    2008-09-04 10:51:44
  • 很赞哦! (22)