

2011-11-05 21:39:51小***
题目:中医药在社区卫生服务中心利用现状调查与对策建议 ----以滨江区为例 摘 要:中医学中医学历史悠久,源远流长,在中国大地上历经了几千年的发展,它是一门横跨于自然科学和社会科学两大领域的医学学科,其具有内容丰富,方法简单,服用方便,价格低廉,疗效肯定的等特点。社区卫生服务是社区建设的重要部分,社区卫生服务在当今卫生事业中起着举足轻重的作用。当今我国卫生事业资源不足,需求膨胀,医药费用过快增长。中医药具有的优势与社区卫生服务现状的契合,将中医药利用于社区卫生服务,发挥中医药特色,充分利用资源的,完善社区卫生服务。因此,在中医药利用于社区卫生服务的过程中,需要通过深入的调查研究,了解目前利用的现状,调查存在的问题和取得的成就,并认真分析存在的问题,结合科学的方法,提出改善的对策。本文选取杭州市滨江区3个社区卫生服务中心,通过对社区卫生服务中心的调查和选取100个居民为调查对象,展开深入的调查,并对调查结果进行分析,此同时借鉴以往学者专家的研究,通过现状的分析,总结现取得的成果和存在的问题,提出解决的对策。 关键词:中医药;社区卫生服务;现状;对策 论文摘要翻译,中文译成英文题目:中医药在社区卫生服务中心利用现状调查与对策建议----以滨江区为例摘要:中医学中医学历史悠久,源远流长,在中国大地上历经了几千年?


  •   Chinese medicine is steeped in history, which has been developing for thousands of years in China。 Now, it is considered as a cross-subjects science between nature science and social science。
       Its properties are rich content, simple methods, convenient usage, lower cost and positive effects。 The community service of health has been an important section of the construction of community, and has played a critical role in people health care。
       However, the challenge of the health care is the lack of the resource of high-quality health service, confronting the proliferation of the requirement of people。
       A solution of the challenge is to introduce the Chinese medicine and its related medical resource into communities。 The solution can utilize the characteristic of Chinese medicine and improve the current health service in both urban and rural communities。
       In order to make a feasible plan for dealing with the issue, we take an investigation with the help of three service center of health in JiangBing district, in HangZhou city。
       In the investigation, a poll was conducted in which 100 residents were involved in。 (结论是什么?什么样的对策?应该在中文中加几句。) 。
    2011-11-06 22:28:11
  •   Topic: traditional Chinese medicine in the community health service center use current situation investigation and countermeasures For example-in binjiang Pick to: traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of traditional Chinese medicine, has a long history in China, the earth after the several thousand years of development, it is a across in natural science and social science two large areas of medical science, it has the rich content, simple, use convenient, the price is low, curative effect for sure etc。
       Characteristics。 Community health service is an important part of the construction of community, community health services in today's health service plays an important role。
       Today's China health resources, needs inflation, medical costs too fast growth。 Traditional Chinese medicine has the advantage of the present situation of the community health service agree, will use of Chinese medicine in community health service, produce characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine, make full use of resources, improve the community health service。
       Therefore, in traditional Chinese medicine were used in the process of community health service, need through the in-depth investigation and study, learn about the use of present situation, the existing problems and research achievement, and careful analysis problems with the scientific method, and puts forward the countermeasures to improve。
       This article selects the binjiang district three community health service center, through to the community health service center and the investigation of the 100 residents of the selected for investigation object, an in-depth investigation, and the results are analyzed, at the same time referencing past scholars and experts of the research, through the analysis of the present situation is summarized achievements and existing problems, and puts forward the countermeasure。
       Keywords: traditional Chinese medicine; Community health services; The present situation; countermeasures。
    2011-11-06 08:10:28
  • 很赞哦! (243)