

2009-11-21 12:17:19r***
1、开学第一周我们没有上课,而是进行入学教育。 2、几个学长或老师带着我们参观学校各个教学设施。 3、第二个星期我们开始正式上课了,对于新的学习内容我很期待,因为我喜欢我的专业,但有有些紧张。 4、我希望我今后的大学生活能够更精彩 翻译几个句子汉译英1、开学第一周我们没有上课,而是进行入学教育。2、几个学长或老师带着我们参观学校各个教学设施。3、第二个星期我们开始正式上课了,对于新的学习内?


  • 1,In the first week of the new schoolyear, we had no concrete lessons but the entrane instruction. 2, A few student leaders and teachers showed us around to see some teaching establishments. 3, From the second week, we began to have lessons. I've been expecting to my new subjects, for I enjoy them. But I'm feeling a little nervous. 4, I hope my coolege life will be more colorful in the future.
    2009-11-21 14:23:00
  • 1. In the first weeks of the new semester, we didn't have classes, but orientation. 2.Several teachers or parents took us around to show us the facilities of the college. 3. Classes began the second week. I am eager to learn new things because I love my major, but I am a bit nervous. 4. I wish my life in the college exciting.
    2009-11-23 12:02:42
  • 1 We do not have classes the first week of school, but rather a school education. 2 Several fellow students or teachers with various teaching facilities we visited the school. 3 We began the second week of the formal classes, and for new learning content I'm looking forward to, because I like my profession, but there are a little nervous. 4 I hope that my future college life more exciting
    2009-11-22 08:46:58
  • 1.We were given the entrance programme instead of lessons in the first week of the acamedic/school year, 2.We were shown the facilities of the school/college by several seniors and teachers. 3.The lesson began from the second week. I was looking forward to them, because I was very interested in my subject. But it was nerve-racking too. 4. I look forward to a college life pack full of fun.
    2009-11-21 22:46:55
  • 很赞哦! (229)