

2010-02-02 13:04:47火***
1.--Must I clean the room right now? --No,you_____.You______clean it after lunch. edn't;can edn't;may stn't;may stn't;may 2.Susan's parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool.It _____be very expensive. st n stn't n't 3.--_____I have your name? --Yes,Michael.M-I-C-H-A-E-L. A.Must B.Will C.May D.Need 4.--May I go to the cinema,Dad? --No,you_____.You must finish your homework first. stn't B.won't n't edn't 5.(请先翻译一下)--There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. --It______a comfortable journey. n't be ouldn't be stn't have been uldn't have been 6.I wish to go home now,_____I? y n't st 7.(请先翻译一下)You_____take my raincoat.I_____do without it till tomorrow morning. y;can y;may n;may st;can 8.If your children_______do as I tell you,you_____go to the party. A.won't;shan't B.(不填);will n't;won't st;shall 9.This is all______I know about the matter. A,that B.what C.which D.whether 10.This factory will not take anyone_______eyesight is weak. A.of whom B.whom C.of that D.whose 11.It was a meeting ______importance I didn't realize at the time. A.which B.of which s D.whose 12.This is the second school______I used to work at ,many students of_______still have a good relationship with me. A.where;that at;which C.which;which at;that 13.Are you the man______bicycle was stolen? A.who is B.whose C.his D.of which the 14.We are looking forward to the day_______the four modernizations of our contry will be realized. A.while B.which C.whether D.when 15.(反义疑问句)If anybody comes here,he will be welcome,_____________? 16.(用have gone或have been) He asked me if__________to Hangzhou before. I told him that I wanted to go there for a visit as I_____never______to that city before. 17.My mother _______college for over three years. A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.has been at 18.By the time I_______back they______up ten satellites. me;have sent me;had sent e;have sent D,had come;sent求教几道初三英语题1.--MustIcleantheroomrightnow?--No,you_____.You______cleanitafterlunch.?


  • 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D‘这儿已经有五个人(游客)在车里了,但是他们(导游)对我还是一样的好.’ 6.B 7.C‘你可以拿走我的雨衣,明天早上之前我不要用它.’ 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.has he 16.have been 17.C 18.B
    2010-02-02 13:40:38
  •   1。--Must I clean the room right now? --No,you_____。You______clean it after lunch。 edn't;can edn't;may stn't;may stn't;may 答案:A ——我必须现在就整理房间吗? ——不,【不必要】。
      你【可以】饭后再做。 2。Susan's parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool。It _____be very expensive。 st n stn't n't 答案:A 苏珊的父母买了一间带游泳池的大房子,这【一定】很贵。
       3。--_____I have your name? --Yes,Michael。M-I-C-H-A-E-L。 A。Must B。Will C。May D。Need 答案:C,表示寻求别人意见。 ——我【可以】知道你的名字吗? ——当然,我叫Michael。
      M-I-C-H-A-E-L。 4。--May I go to the cinema,Dad? --No,you_____。You must finish your homework first。 stn't B。won't n't edn't 答案:A ——爸爸,我可以去电影院吗? ——不行,你【不准】去。
      你必须先完成家庭作业。 5。(请先翻译一下)--There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well。 --It______a comfortable journey。
       n't be ouldn't be stn't have been uldn't have been 答案:D ——车上已经有5个人了,但是他们还是将我带上。 ——那一定不是愉快的旅行。 6。I wish to go home now,_____I? y n't st 答案:A 我现在就想回家,【可以吗】? 7。
      (请先翻译一下)You_____take my raincoat。I_____do without it till tomorrow morning。 y;can y;may n;may st;can 答案:A 你【可以】拿我的雨衣,直到明天早上我都不用。
       8。If your children_______do as I tell you,you_____go to the party。 A。won't;shan't B。(不填);will n't;won't st;shall 答案:A 如果你的孩子不能像我告诉你的那样做,你就不要参加聚会了。
       9。This is all______I know about the matter。 A,that B。what C。which D。whether 答案:A 这就是我了解的事情的全部。 如果前面没有all,也可以选答案B:what 10。
      This factory will not take anyone_______eyesight is weak。 A。of whom B。whom C。of that D。whose 答案:D 这家工厂不招收视力不好的人。 whose修饰eyesight 11。
      It was a meeting ______importance I didn't realize at the time。 A。which B。of which s D。whose 答案:D 我当时没有意识到会议的重要性。 12。
      This is the second school______I used to work at ,many students of_______still have a good relationship with me。 A。where;that at;which C。
      which;which at;that 答案:B 这是我以前工作的第二所学校,其中许多学生到现在还与我保持很好的关系。 13。Are you the man______bicycle was stolen? A。who is B。
      whose C。his D。of which the 答案:B 你就是那个自行车被盗的人吗? 14。We are looking forward to the day_______the four modernizations of our contry will be realized。
       A。while B。which C。whether D。when 答案:D 我们都盼望着我们国家四个现代化实现的那一天。 15。(反义疑问句)If anybody comes here,he will be welcome,___will you___? 到这里来的每个人都热烈欢迎,【你说】是吗? 16。
      (用have gone或have been) He asked me if___I had been_______to Hangzhou before。 他问我以前是否到过杭州?过去完成时 I told him that I wanted to go there for a visit as I_____never___had been___to that city before。
       我告诉他我想去那里游玩,因为哦以前从没有去过。 17。My mother _______college for over three years。 A。has gone to B。has been to C。has been in D。
      has been at 答案:C 我妈妈已经上大学超过3年了。 18。By the time I_______back they______up ten satellites。 me;have sent me;had sent e;have sent D,had come;sent 答案:B 到我返回之时,他们已经发射了10颗卫星。
    2010-02-05 17:29:13
  • 1, A. 2, A. 3, C. 4, A. 5, D.对过去事情的猜测,要用情态动词+完成形式。原句子的意思是:车上已经有五个人了,可是他们还是把我也安排上了。那一定是一次不舒适的旅行。 6,A. 7,A. 原句子是:你可以拿我的雨衣,明天早晨我才能用到它。第一空为‘可以、许可、允许’之意;第二空为‘可以、有能力、之意。所以选A。 8,A. 9,A. 10,D. 11,D. 12,B. 13,B. 14,D. 15,won't he? 16, had been; had been 17, D. 18, B.
    2010-02-04 14:25:41
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