

2008-03-28 20:25:02神***
越多越好有没有智力题给我做?越多越好:将下列句子中的每个单词修改一个字母 使它组成一句谚语 1.Wetter mate that fever 2.So nets i?


  •   将下列句子中的每个单词修改一个字母 使它组成一句谚语 1。Wetter mate that fever 2。So nets if goof mews 3。Loot befort you heap 猜猜看 1。1。You have two windows,and you open them in the moring。
      But you close them at night。When one book into them,he can see his own face。What are they? 2。2。A cow came out of her shed and walked ten steps towards the east。
      She then took two steps to the south and walked four steps backwards。After that she made eight steps to the west。Which way was the cow's tail pointing? 3。
      What number should replace(代替)the question mark? AVIATOR=6 FIXTURE=9 WIZARD=1 DIVERSE=? 4。Which fruit sounds like two? e Big Apple是哪个城市的昵称? 6。
      a big potato是“一个大土豆”的意思吗? 7。Can you spell “bling pig”(失明的猪)with two letters 8。The alphabet(字母表)goes from A to Z。What goes from Z to A? 9。
      How can you make a hat talk? 10。Why are girls afraid of the letter C? 11。What must you do before you return a book to the library? 12。
      Why do giraffes have long necks? 先这么多吧,不知要不要答案~?:)。
    2008-03-29 07:57:19
  • 很赞哦! (45)